Saturday, April 30, 2011
McCain aspires to be a dictator?
at app 0:35..
The New Phoenix Program; Agent Orange
Agent Orange:
Operation Hades was developed by the Pentagon's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) as a scheme to defoliate guerilla controlled areas of Vietnam. Objectives of defoliation were to destroy the triple
canopy jungle that would flush out the guerilla fighter for conventional warfare, to clear the waterways and roads of areas of concealment for ambush, establish fields of fire around bases and to avoid infiltration and surprise attacks, and finally, to deny food to the enemy. The Vietnamese charged that defoliation was a weapon of mass destruction and ecocide that was not aimed at the fighter, but employed against the entire people and their environment, causing death by poisoning and starvation. C-147 aircraft sprayed 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D on 5,000 acres in 1962. In 1967 1.5 million acres of jungle and 221,000 acres of crop land were sprayed. Spraying ended in 1971 with 6 million acres covered with 107 million pounds of herbicide. About 10 to 15 percent of the total area sprayed was crop lands. Annual sales of herbicide increased from 12.5 million in 1966 to 79.8 million in 1969. Dow, Hercules, Monsanto, Diamond Shamrock, and seven other companies shared the war time profits. The name of the spray operation was changed to Operation Ranch Hand but the insignia patch retained the satanic symbol of a devil with a pitch fork.
During WWII the University of Chicago studied chlorophenols for their affact on plant metabolism. A small application will promote rapid growth while a larger dose will make the plant grow so fast it literally explodes and dies.
The special mixture of Agent Orange used in Vietnam consisted of 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D in equal amounts. The mixture was thirteen times more concentrated than that used domestically. Agent White added Picloram which was made by DOW but so long lasting in the environment it was never allowed to be used on US soil. Agent Blue contained highly poisonous cacodylic acid and was 54 percent arsenic.
The affects of sraying 2500 acres and 1000 inhabitants were reported by a doctor in October 1964. "At first the people felt sick and had some diarrhea, then difficulty breathing followed by low blood pressure; some cases had trouble with their optic nerve and went blind. Prengant women gave birth to still born or premature children. Most of the affected cattle died from serious diarrhea, and river fish floated on the surface of the water belly-up, soon after the chemicals were spread."
Reports of human poisoning brought diplomatic pressure on the US from other nations to respond. The US State Dept. replied in March 1966 stating;"The herbicides used are non-toxic and not dangerous to man or animal life. The land is not affected for future use." The National Academy of Sciences received 80% of their money from the DOD and was considered an arm of the government, The elite organization determined that it was inconclusive wether Agent Orange caused human deaths ad that it was important that the matter receive further scrutiny in the future to determine the question. In response Professors Pfeiffer and Orians from the University of Washington independently obtained funding and did a field study on thei own in Vietnam at the height of the war. They reported on cases of illness in humans and animals living in sprayed areas, widespread ecological damage and permanent destruction of ancient forests, commercial timberlands and rubber tree cultures. In late 1969 the American Academy of Arts and scienced (AAAS) formed a committee headed up bu Mathew Meselson, a Harvard biologist with a mandate to study Agent Orange in Vietnam. Through their efforts LBJ received a petition with 5,000 signatures of scientsts urging him to stop spraying on the grounds of establishing a dangerous precedent in chemical and biological warfare. The Food and Drug Administration had finished a study in 1965 but the report was concealed. In 1969 the report was leaked to Meselson. It showed that in 1965, the prestigious Bionetics Research Laboratory tested industrial
compounds for carcinogenic and fetus deforming affects in lab animals.
The tests showed small doses of 2,4,5-T caused birth defects in rats and mice. The FDA, DOD and DOA
knew about the report but no one else saw it. DOW Chemical had applied pressure to the FDA to bury the report. The strategy that DOW Chemical used to combat the now public report was to claim that chemical impurities in the test batch were responsible for the alarming results. The contamination was an impurity produced during manufacture referred to as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin, or simply Dioxin. The newly formed EPA issued a ban on the use of 2,3,5-T in the US and the military claimed they would use other agents for defoliation when available, then continued spraying Agent Orange. DOW claimed that Agent Orange normally contained none or a few parts per million of Dioxin. Domestic stocks tested at approx. 13 ppm Dioxin while the chemical used in Vietnam contained 47 ppm or higher. Scientific reports that showed evidence of harm were either ignored or actively supressed while studies that were inconclusive were used by the government to justify continued spraying. Dioxin is the most toxic man made chemical on earth. FDA researcher Dr. Jacqueline Verret proved that only 1 part per trillion was sufficient to cause deformity in embryos and id it were diluted one million times it would still be as toxic to a fetus as thalidomide, using the same tests. There is no safe dose of Dioxinm no matter how small. The agents 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D were shown to cause cancer in lab animals by themselves, without the dioxin present. DOW chemical agreed to a temporary halt in the use of 2,4,5-T but was fighting to protect the pervasive domestic use of 2,4-D.
DOW was able to go to court and succesfully fight the ban on 2,4,5-T and thus saved their lucrative sales in the AMerican market as well as worldwide sales of both herbicides. The burden of scientific proof was succesfully shifted from the manufacturer of the toxic chemicals onto the plaintiffs who were forced to prove conclusively that dioxin and the herbicides caused disease and mutation in humans. Studies funded by industry showed 2,4,5-T without dioxin was safe while independent studies such as the Bionetics study showed that "pure" 2,4,5-T without dioxin was mutagenic. The 1970 Meselson report carried the greatest weight in the scientific community because of it's thoroughness.' In one heavily sprayed province still births and miscarriages were disproportionately high. In Saigon there was an epidemic of spina bifida, a birth defect linked to Agent Orange. This prestigious report prompted congress in 1970 to fund a new study by the National Academy of Sciences which would be administered by the DOD. The result would again be inconclusive on the question of human illness and death.
Operation Hades was developed by the Pentagon's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) as a scheme to defoliate guerilla controlled areas of Vietnam. Objectives of defoliation were to destroy the triple
canopy jungle that would flush out the guerilla fighter for conventional warfare, to clear the waterways and roads of areas of concealment for ambush, establish fields of fire around bases and to avoid infiltration and surprise attacks, and finally, to deny food to the enemy. The Vietnamese charged that defoliation was a weapon of mass destruction and ecocide that was not aimed at the fighter, but employed against the entire people and their environment, causing death by poisoning and starvation. C-147 aircraft sprayed 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D on 5,000 acres in 1962. In 1967 1.5 million acres of jungle and 221,000 acres of crop land were sprayed. Spraying ended in 1971 with 6 million acres covered with 107 million pounds of herbicide. About 10 to 15 percent of the total area sprayed was crop lands. Annual sales of herbicide increased from 12.5 million in 1966 to 79.8 million in 1969. Dow, Hercules, Monsanto, Diamond Shamrock, and seven other companies shared the war time profits. The name of the spray operation was changed to Operation Ranch Hand but the insignia patch retained the satanic symbol of a devil with a pitch fork.
During WWII the University of Chicago studied chlorophenols for their affact on plant metabolism. A small application will promote rapid growth while a larger dose will make the plant grow so fast it literally explodes and dies.
The special mixture of Agent Orange used in Vietnam consisted of 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D in equal amounts. The mixture was thirteen times more concentrated than that used domestically. Agent White added Picloram which was made by DOW but so long lasting in the environment it was never allowed to be used on US soil. Agent Blue contained highly poisonous cacodylic acid and was 54 percent arsenic.
The affects of sraying 2500 acres and 1000 inhabitants were reported by a doctor in October 1964. "At first the people felt sick and had some diarrhea, then difficulty breathing followed by low blood pressure; some cases had trouble with their optic nerve and went blind. Prengant women gave birth to still born or premature children. Most of the affected cattle died from serious diarrhea, and river fish floated on the surface of the water belly-up, soon after the chemicals were spread."
Reports of human poisoning brought diplomatic pressure on the US from other nations to respond. The US State Dept. replied in March 1966 stating;"The herbicides used are non-toxic and not dangerous to man or animal life. The land is not affected for future use." The National Academy of Sciences received 80% of their money from the DOD and was considered an arm of the government, The elite organization determined that it was inconclusive wether Agent Orange caused human deaths ad that it was important that the matter receive further scrutiny in the future to determine the question. In response Professors Pfeiffer and Orians from the University of Washington independently obtained funding and did a field study on thei own in Vietnam at the height of the war. They reported on cases of illness in humans and animals living in sprayed areas, widespread ecological damage and permanent destruction of ancient forests, commercial timberlands and rubber tree cultures. In late 1969 the American Academy of Arts and scienced (AAAS) formed a committee headed up bu Mathew Meselson, a Harvard biologist with a mandate to study Agent Orange in Vietnam. Through their efforts LBJ received a petition with 5,000 signatures of scientsts urging him to stop spraying on the grounds of establishing a dangerous precedent in chemical and biological warfare. The Food and Drug Administration had finished a study in 1965 but the report was concealed. In 1969 the report was leaked to Meselson. It showed that in 1965, the prestigious Bionetics Research Laboratory tested industrial
compounds for carcinogenic and fetus deforming affects in lab animals.
The tests showed small doses of 2,4,5-T caused birth defects in rats and mice. The FDA, DOD and DOA
knew about the report but no one else saw it. DOW Chemical had applied pressure to the FDA to bury the report. The strategy that DOW Chemical used to combat the now public report was to claim that chemical impurities in the test batch were responsible for the alarming results. The contamination was an impurity produced during manufacture referred to as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin, or simply Dioxin. The newly formed EPA issued a ban on the use of 2,3,5-T in the US and the military claimed they would use other agents for defoliation when available, then continued spraying Agent Orange. DOW claimed that Agent Orange normally contained none or a few parts per million of Dioxin. Domestic stocks tested at approx. 13 ppm Dioxin while the chemical used in Vietnam contained 47 ppm or higher. Scientific reports that showed evidence of harm were either ignored or actively supressed while studies that were inconclusive were used by the government to justify continued spraying. Dioxin is the most toxic man made chemical on earth. FDA researcher Dr. Jacqueline Verret proved that only 1 part per trillion was sufficient to cause deformity in embryos and id it were diluted one million times it would still be as toxic to a fetus as thalidomide, using the same tests. There is no safe dose of Dioxinm no matter how small. The agents 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D were shown to cause cancer in lab animals by themselves, without the dioxin present. DOW chemical agreed to a temporary halt in the use of 2,4,5-T but was fighting to protect the pervasive domestic use of 2,4-D.
DOW was able to go to court and succesfully fight the ban on 2,4,5-T and thus saved their lucrative sales in the AMerican market as well as worldwide sales of both herbicides. The burden of scientific proof was succesfully shifted from the manufacturer of the toxic chemicals onto the plaintiffs who were forced to prove conclusively that dioxin and the herbicides caused disease and mutation in humans. Studies funded by industry showed 2,4,5-T without dioxin was safe while independent studies such as the Bionetics study showed that "pure" 2,4,5-T without dioxin was mutagenic. The 1970 Meselson report carried the greatest weight in the scientific community because of it's thoroughness.' In one heavily sprayed province still births and miscarriages were disproportionately high. In Saigon there was an epidemic of spina bifida, a birth defect linked to Agent Orange. This prestigious report prompted congress in 1970 to fund a new study by the National Academy of Sciences which would be administered by the DOD. The result would again be inconclusive on the question of human illness and death.
The 'Secret' in 'Secret Societies'?
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New Era = New World Order?
Look at the inside the cap... pyramids with in 'em all seeying eyes..
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Friday, April 29, 2011
G. W. Bush Caught off Guard By Reporter About 9/11
National Security Memorandum 200
National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (NSSM200) was completed on December 10, 1974 by the United States National Security Council under the direction of Henry Kissinger.
It was adopted as official U.S. policy by President Gerald Ford in November 1975. It was originally classified, but was later declassified and obtained by researchers in the early 1990s.
The basic thesis of the memorandum was that population growth in the least developed countries (LDCs) is a concern to U.S. national security, because it would tend to risk civil unrest and political instability in countries that had a high potential for economic development. The policy gives "paramount importance" to population control measures and the promotion of contraception among 13 populous countries, to control rapid population growth which the US deems inimical to the socio-political and economic growth of these countries and to the national interests of the United States, since the "U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad", and these countries can produce destabilizing opposition forces against the United States. It recommends the US leadership to "influence national leaders" and that "improved world-wide support for population-related efforts should be sought through increased emphasis on mass media and other population education and motivation programs by the U.N., USIA, and USAID."
Thirteen countries are named in the report as particularly problematic with respect to U.S. security interests: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Turkey, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil. These countries are projected to create 47 percent of all world population growth.
The report advocates the promotion of education and contraception and other population control measures. It also raises the question of whether the U.S. should consider preferential allocation of surplus food supplies to states that are deemed constructive in use of population control measures.
Some of the key insights of report are controversial:
"The U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries [see National Commission on Materials Policy, Towards a National Materials Policy: Basic Data and Issues, April 1972]. That fact gives the U.S. enhanced interest in the political, economic, and social stability of the supplying countries. Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests of the United States. . . . The location of known reserves of higher grade ores of most minerals favors increasing dependence of all industrialized regions on imports from less developed countries. The real problems of mineral supplies lie, not in basic physical sufficiency, but in the politico-economic issues of access, terms for exploration and exploitation, and division of the benefits among producers, consumers, and host country governments" [Chapter III-Minerals and Fuel].
Whether through government action, labor conflicts, sabotage, or civil disturbance, the smooth flow of needed materials will be jeopardized. Although population pressure is obviously not the only factor involved, these types of frustrations are much less likely under conditions of slow or zero population growth" [Chapter III-Minerals and Fuel].
"Populations with a high proportion of growth. The young people, who are in much higher proportions in many LDCs, are likely to be more volatile, unstable, prone to extremes, alienation and violence than an older population. These young people can more readily be persuaded to attack the legal institutions of the government or real property of the ‘establishment,' ‘imperialists,' multinational corporations, or other-often foreign-influences blamed for their troubles" [Chapter V, "Implications of Population Pressures for National Security].
"We must take care that our activities should not give the appearance to the LDCs of an industrialized country policy directed against the LDCs. Caution must be taken that in any approaches in this field we support in the LDCs are ones we can support within this country. "Third World" leaders should be in the forefront and obtain the credit for successful programs. In this context it is important to demonstrate to LDC leaders that such family planning programs have worked and can work within a reasonable period of time." [Chapter I, World Demographic Trends]
The report advises, "In these sensitive relations, however, it is important in style as well as substance to avoid the appearance of coercion."
All I can say is "WTF"
It was adopted as official U.S. policy by President Gerald Ford in November 1975. It was originally classified, but was later declassified and obtained by researchers in the early 1990s.
The basic thesis of the memorandum was that population growth in the least developed countries (LDCs) is a concern to U.S. national security, because it would tend to risk civil unrest and political instability in countries that had a high potential for economic development. The policy gives "paramount importance" to population control measures and the promotion of contraception among 13 populous countries, to control rapid population growth which the US deems inimical to the socio-political and economic growth of these countries and to the national interests of the United States, since the "U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad", and these countries can produce destabilizing opposition forces against the United States. It recommends the US leadership to "influence national leaders" and that "improved world-wide support for population-related efforts should be sought through increased emphasis on mass media and other population education and motivation programs by the U.N., USIA, and USAID."
Thirteen countries are named in the report as particularly problematic with respect to U.S. security interests: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Turkey, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil. These countries are projected to create 47 percent of all world population growth.
The report advocates the promotion of education and contraception and other population control measures. It also raises the question of whether the U.S. should consider preferential allocation of surplus food supplies to states that are deemed constructive in use of population control measures.
Some of the key insights of report are controversial:
"The U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries [see National Commission on Materials Policy, Towards a National Materials Policy: Basic Data and Issues, April 1972]. That fact gives the U.S. enhanced interest in the political, economic, and social stability of the supplying countries. Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests of the United States. . . . The location of known reserves of higher grade ores of most minerals favors increasing dependence of all industrialized regions on imports from less developed countries. The real problems of mineral supplies lie, not in basic physical sufficiency, but in the politico-economic issues of access, terms for exploration and exploitation, and division of the benefits among producers, consumers, and host country governments" [Chapter III-Minerals and Fuel].
Whether through government action, labor conflicts, sabotage, or civil disturbance, the smooth flow of needed materials will be jeopardized. Although population pressure is obviously not the only factor involved, these types of frustrations are much less likely under conditions of slow or zero population growth" [Chapter III-Minerals and Fuel].
"Populations with a high proportion of growth. The young people, who are in much higher proportions in many LDCs, are likely to be more volatile, unstable, prone to extremes, alienation and violence than an older population. These young people can more readily be persuaded to attack the legal institutions of the government or real property of the ‘establishment,' ‘imperialists,' multinational corporations, or other-often foreign-influences blamed for their troubles" [Chapter V, "Implications of Population Pressures for National Security].
"We must take care that our activities should not give the appearance to the LDCs of an industrialized country policy directed against the LDCs. Caution must be taken that in any approaches in this field we support in the LDCs are ones we can support within this country. "Third World" leaders should be in the forefront and obtain the credit for successful programs. In this context it is important to demonstrate to LDC leaders that such family planning programs have worked and can work within a reasonable period of time." [Chapter I, World Demographic Trends]
The report advises, "In these sensitive relations, however, it is important in style as well as substance to avoid the appearance of coercion."
All I can say is "WTF"
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Documentary; What is NASA Hiding?
The New Phoenix Program; Human Radiation Studies Part III
On December 7th 1993, Secretary of Energy Hazel O'Leary ordered her department to open classified files covering projects that had involved the use of human beings as guinea pigs since WWII. A major project was initiated to identify relevant documents. The index itself runs to 150 pages.
The following is testimony from Elmer Allen's granddaughter before the President's Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, March 1995;
I saw him as a depressing sight. Joyless, unanimated,
with a damaged head and a broken spirit.
During his lifetime, I saw him as a burden rather than as an asset to my grandmother,
as she waited on him, pampered him.
My mother, I recall, resented this treatment while she contended that he
didn't do his share for the family.
She recalled a life of living with a father who, when not on an
alcoholic binge, suffered from frequent seizures which had to be
endured by the rest of the family.
Mu uncle, on the other hand, did not seem resentful,
but I often delt he must have been diappointed in a father
incapable of playing a simple bat and ball game merely
offering a positive life outlook.
My grandmother said it wasn't always like this. She
said my grandfather was once a vibrant and handsome Pullman
porter, a hard worker who wanted only the best for his family.
When I was younger, I liked to do puzzles from the
newspaper, where you find words hidden among randomly-arranged
letters. Since my grandfather spent most of his time sitting
alone, he would sometimes complete these puzzles, we would
sometimes complete these puzzles together, and eventually he
began saving them in a neat stack and worked on completing them
In the sprintime, I saw him take brown paper bags and
make kites for the kids down the street. He once made a pen for
my pet rabbit. He often talked of feelings in his missing leg
and would shudder and make comments like "tyhey must be working on
my leg today".
Years later, when I was home on breaks from college,
the sight of my grandfather was horrible. He seemeed useless and
frail. He had lost more of life's joy. He seemed angry and sad.
The pain was obvious, and he was sometimes furious and irate,
mean and spiteful.
I often have dreams about my grandfather. Before his
death, I had a dream that he was in his old house in a coffin,
open with the body in full view, dead, but alive somehow. After
his death, another dream revealed him through a doorway, sitting
in his wheelchair, looking feeble, yet in good spirits. He
seemed to have a newfound joy, laughing and joking with male
When Eileen Welsomepresented my family with the fact
that this man was indeed CAL-13, a human nuclear guinea pig, I
wondered, could this be the reason, the origin, the root cause of
this depressed character that I considered all along to be my
grand-father. He lived over 40 years without a zest for life and
with a pain i Magine was without equal.
For i understand that the reality of life for the
African American man of the 1940's was already a pre-determined
bleak one, dictated by the white man's tyrannical power of
economics, politics, and, to a certain degree, basic freedom.
Being born a black male was already a handicap, having a limited
education was a forther handicap. Then to add a physical
handicap, due to being basically tricked into donating a body
limb for science.
With all of this in mind, I now understand how alcohol
could relieve his reality, how depression and schizophrenia could
take control of his life, how his feelings of hopelessness
shattered such a promising future.
In my most recent dream, I saw my grandfather with both
legs, standing with confidence and strenght of character I never
saw in real life. He had a young appearance. He had a look of
joy on his face, and he seemed content.
This statement is signed April D. Whitfield,
granddaughter of Elmer Allen, March 15th, 1995.
Good afternoon. My daughter, April Whitfield, and the
other survivors of Elmer Allen are determined that the truth
about his plutonium injection and subsequent leg amputation be
made a part of the public record.
We continue to be appalled by the apparent attempts at
cover-ups, the inferences that the nature of the times, the
1940´s, allowed scientists to conduct experiments without getting
a patient's consent ot without mentioning risks. We contend that
my father was not an informed participant in the plutonium
He was asked to sign his name several times while a
patient at the University of California Hospital in San
Francisco. Why was he not asked to sign his name permitting
scientists to inject him with plutonium? Why was his wife, who
was college trained, not consulted in this matter?
It is my hope that history will not be rewritten in
committeed who claim that they do not understand the actions of
the scientists of the 1940's, those who claim that poor and
disenfranchised African American men could not ne hoodwinked by
his doctors.
I hope you will understand that just as Jewish fathers
were placed in the ovens at Auschwitz, my father, Elmer Allen,
was placed in his own private oven here in the United Stated of
America. He was left there for 44 years, and the scientists
occasionally took a peek inside to see if the was still alive.
His survivors are pledged to tell the truth about this
experiment for the next 50 or even 100 years, if necessary, so
that future generations will have more than lies, half truths,
and inconclusive reports, when attempting to recount this real-
life horror story.
Thank you. I didn't know I had 10 minutes because I
would have a lot more to say, but I thank you.
While these secret experiments on thousands of Americans were going on in hospitals, the very public testing of nuclear weapons lasted from 1945 until the Test Ban treaty in 1963. Approximately 253 above ground tests were conducted in the Pacific and the US. In which nearly 400,000 military personnel took part. The external dose of beta radiation was measured by badges but these were not distributed in significant numbers. The badge did not measure the dose from the external particles such as Alpla, Gamma, or X-ray radiation, nor did it measure the ingestion of small particles that lodge in tissues and do continuous damage. Some of the troops felt immediate effects if radiation poisoning and developed lifelong complications while others became sick many years later. Bill Scott of Camarillo, California was a former army air force photographer who filmed some of the nuclear tests. According to Helena, his widow, "Starting in 1955, Bill had nosebleeds, backackes, and coughing attacks, followed by vomiting, nausea, and upset stomach. His nodebleeds would last for days at a time. His teeth rapidly decayed and his feet became dry and scaly. In 1971, he was hospitalized for tests that found bone cancer that spread... rapidly and six months later he was gone." The Atomic Veterans Newsletter published the following statemtent;
We were the victims of radiation experiments too. They exposed over 200,000 of us in over 200 atmospheric atomic and hydrogen bomb tests between 1945-1962. They deliberately bombed us with nuclear weapons and exposed us to deadly radioactivity to See how it would affect us and our equipment in nuclear warfare on land sea and air. They didn't need our informed consent because we were under military discipline. They devalued our lives too! They made us sterile! They crippled and killed our children! They made widows of our wives! Then denied repeatedly and publicly that there was ever any danger! "Say the lie often enought and people will believe it."
The third group of experimental human subjects are the Down Winders. This term refers to all the people
exposed to radiation as a result of atmospheric testing. This group in essence comprises the entire US and in fact the entire world. Fallout from all 2,000 nuclear etsts has desposited plutonium and other radioactive substances in the bodies of every human being on this earth At what point this experiment would prove fatal for all human life is unknown, but it is known that the human embryo is very vulnerable and that 1-2 rads is sufficient to produce deformity or death. A quik look at radiation fallout maps show that this much radiation and more has been deposited across the continental US. Brenda Weaver lived most of her life seven miles r from Hanford in an area known as Death Mile. Her family always seemed sick, she was developed thyroid sidease at 12 and had an ovary removed at 14. Her brother had to be taken to the hospital with his eyes bleeding. In the early 1960's the sheep on her farm were born with missing legs, body parts, missing eyes. Her daughter, Jaime, was born in 1965 without eyes. Says Weaver, "She has eyelashes and eyelids and tear ducts, but no eyes. It makes life difficult, it's hard to be blind." One study documents and unexplained increase in child mortality in the US that began shortly after testing began and decreased when atmospheric testing ended. It was acknowledged that a full scale nuclear exchange could have ended the Human Race but it is also possible that continued testing could eventually accomplish the same result. It should be noted that underground tests do vent radiation and that these tests are ongoing. The government held hearings in the 1990's and gave monetary compensation to several individuals injected with plutonium but not the hundreds of thousands of injured in secret testing. The governments report is largely a whitewash, few victims were compensated, and no scientst or government employee was ever punished. The institutions involved all clamed ignorance or that the patients were fully informed, which was patently false in all cases. They have largely dodged their responsibility for participating in these acts.
After the Advidory Committee's final report the children of the deceased plutonium victims had the following statements;"I guess the government really won, all the culprits that planned and executed this thing got away with it." "For them to say that a little apology is enough... is just beyond belief." "I do feel betrayed and I feel abused by this committee's report."
Nuclear explosions produce plutonium oxide which is deposited in the lungs and lymph nodes and cannot be detected in the urine. The human experimental subjects were injected with plutonium cirate or nitrate which does show up in the urine. Thirty years of testing urine from those exposed in above ground tests has led to thousands of useless tests that show a false negative and false evidence that could be used to claim that these human exposures were low or non-existent. The search for a biological dosimeter lasted 30 years at dozens of labs costing many millions of dollars and procuded no answer. Just how much radiation is a safe dose in the human body, and how to measure the amount the body has received is still unknown. The current answer in science is that there is no such thing as a safe dose of radiation.
Mary Jean Connell, the only living victim of the plutonium experiments, when asked how she felt after receiving $100,000 dollars, merely replied "I'm afraid it's going to happen again, you know"..
The following is testimony from Elmer Allen's granddaughter before the President's Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, March 1995;
I saw him as a depressing sight. Joyless, unanimated,
with a damaged head and a broken spirit.
During his lifetime, I saw him as a burden rather than as an asset to my grandmother,
as she waited on him, pampered him.
My mother, I recall, resented this treatment while she contended that he
didn't do his share for the family.
She recalled a life of living with a father who, when not on an
alcoholic binge, suffered from frequent seizures which had to be
endured by the rest of the family.
Mu uncle, on the other hand, did not seem resentful,
but I often delt he must have been diappointed in a father
incapable of playing a simple bat and ball game merely
offering a positive life outlook.
My grandmother said it wasn't always like this. She
said my grandfather was once a vibrant and handsome Pullman
porter, a hard worker who wanted only the best for his family.
When I was younger, I liked to do puzzles from the
newspaper, where you find words hidden among randomly-arranged
letters. Since my grandfather spent most of his time sitting
alone, he would sometimes complete these puzzles, we would
sometimes complete these puzzles together, and eventually he
began saving them in a neat stack and worked on completing them
In the sprintime, I saw him take brown paper bags and
make kites for the kids down the street. He once made a pen for
my pet rabbit. He often talked of feelings in his missing leg
and would shudder and make comments like "tyhey must be working on
my leg today".
Years later, when I was home on breaks from college,
the sight of my grandfather was horrible. He seemeed useless and
frail. He had lost more of life's joy. He seemed angry and sad.
The pain was obvious, and he was sometimes furious and irate,
mean and spiteful.
I often have dreams about my grandfather. Before his
death, I had a dream that he was in his old house in a coffin,
open with the body in full view, dead, but alive somehow. After
his death, another dream revealed him through a doorway, sitting
in his wheelchair, looking feeble, yet in good spirits. He
seemed to have a newfound joy, laughing and joking with male
When Eileen Welsomepresented my family with the fact
that this man was indeed CAL-13, a human nuclear guinea pig, I
wondered, could this be the reason, the origin, the root cause of
this depressed character that I considered all along to be my
grand-father. He lived over 40 years without a zest for life and
with a pain i Magine was without equal.
For i understand that the reality of life for the
African American man of the 1940's was already a pre-determined
bleak one, dictated by the white man's tyrannical power of
economics, politics, and, to a certain degree, basic freedom.
Being born a black male was already a handicap, having a limited
education was a forther handicap. Then to add a physical
handicap, due to being basically tricked into donating a body
limb for science.
With all of this in mind, I now understand how alcohol
could relieve his reality, how depression and schizophrenia could
take control of his life, how his feelings of hopelessness
shattered such a promising future.
In my most recent dream, I saw my grandfather with both
legs, standing with confidence and strenght of character I never
saw in real life. He had a young appearance. He had a look of
joy on his face, and he seemed content.
This statement is signed April D. Whitfield,
granddaughter of Elmer Allen, March 15th, 1995.
Good afternoon. My daughter, April Whitfield, and the
other survivors of Elmer Allen are determined that the truth
about his plutonium injection and subsequent leg amputation be
made a part of the public record.
We continue to be appalled by the apparent attempts at
cover-ups, the inferences that the nature of the times, the
1940´s, allowed scientists to conduct experiments without getting
a patient's consent ot without mentioning risks. We contend that
my father was not an informed participant in the plutonium
He was asked to sign his name several times while a
patient at the University of California Hospital in San
Francisco. Why was he not asked to sign his name permitting
scientists to inject him with plutonium? Why was his wife, who
was college trained, not consulted in this matter?
It is my hope that history will not be rewritten in
committeed who claim that they do not understand the actions of
the scientists of the 1940's, those who claim that poor and
disenfranchised African American men could not ne hoodwinked by
his doctors.
I hope you will understand that just as Jewish fathers
were placed in the ovens at Auschwitz, my father, Elmer Allen,
was placed in his own private oven here in the United Stated of
America. He was left there for 44 years, and the scientists
occasionally took a peek inside to see if the was still alive.
His survivors are pledged to tell the truth about this
experiment for the next 50 or even 100 years, if necessary, so
that future generations will have more than lies, half truths,
and inconclusive reports, when attempting to recount this real-
life horror story.
Thank you. I didn't know I had 10 minutes because I
would have a lot more to say, but I thank you.
While these secret experiments on thousands of Americans were going on in hospitals, the very public testing of nuclear weapons lasted from 1945 until the Test Ban treaty in 1963. Approximately 253 above ground tests were conducted in the Pacific and the US. In which nearly 400,000 military personnel took part. The external dose of beta radiation was measured by badges but these were not distributed in significant numbers. The badge did not measure the dose from the external particles such as Alpla, Gamma, or X-ray radiation, nor did it measure the ingestion of small particles that lodge in tissues and do continuous damage. Some of the troops felt immediate effects if radiation poisoning and developed lifelong complications while others became sick many years later. Bill Scott of Camarillo, California was a former army air force photographer who filmed some of the nuclear tests. According to Helena, his widow, "Starting in 1955, Bill had nosebleeds, backackes, and coughing attacks, followed by vomiting, nausea, and upset stomach. His nodebleeds would last for days at a time. His teeth rapidly decayed and his feet became dry and scaly. In 1971, he was hospitalized for tests that found bone cancer that spread... rapidly and six months later he was gone." The Atomic Veterans Newsletter published the following statemtent;
We were the victims of radiation experiments too. They exposed over 200,000 of us in over 200 atmospheric atomic and hydrogen bomb tests between 1945-1962. They deliberately bombed us with nuclear weapons and exposed us to deadly radioactivity to See how it would affect us and our equipment in nuclear warfare on land sea and air. They didn't need our informed consent because we were under military discipline. They devalued our lives too! They made us sterile! They crippled and killed our children! They made widows of our wives! Then denied repeatedly and publicly that there was ever any danger! "Say the lie often enought and people will believe it."
The third group of experimental human subjects are the Down Winders. This term refers to all the people
exposed to radiation as a result of atmospheric testing. This group in essence comprises the entire US and in fact the entire world. Fallout from all 2,000 nuclear etsts has desposited plutonium and other radioactive substances in the bodies of every human being on this earth At what point this experiment would prove fatal for all human life is unknown, but it is known that the human embryo is very vulnerable and that 1-2 rads is sufficient to produce deformity or death. A quik look at radiation fallout maps show that this much radiation and more has been deposited across the continental US. Brenda Weaver lived most of her life seven miles r from Hanford in an area known as Death Mile. Her family always seemed sick, she was developed thyroid sidease at 12 and had an ovary removed at 14. Her brother had to be taken to the hospital with his eyes bleeding. In the early 1960's the sheep on her farm were born with missing legs, body parts, missing eyes. Her daughter, Jaime, was born in 1965 without eyes. Says Weaver, "She has eyelashes and eyelids and tear ducts, but no eyes. It makes life difficult, it's hard to be blind." One study documents and unexplained increase in child mortality in the US that began shortly after testing began and decreased when atmospheric testing ended. It was acknowledged that a full scale nuclear exchange could have ended the Human Race but it is also possible that continued testing could eventually accomplish the same result. It should be noted that underground tests do vent radiation and that these tests are ongoing. The government held hearings in the 1990's and gave monetary compensation to several individuals injected with plutonium but not the hundreds of thousands of injured in secret testing. The governments report is largely a whitewash, few victims were compensated, and no scientst or government employee was ever punished. The institutions involved all clamed ignorance or that the patients were fully informed, which was patently false in all cases. They have largely dodged their responsibility for participating in these acts.
After the Advidory Committee's final report the children of the deceased plutonium victims had the following statements;"I guess the government really won, all the culprits that planned and executed this thing got away with it." "For them to say that a little apology is enough... is just beyond belief." "I do feel betrayed and I feel abused by this committee's report."
Nuclear explosions produce plutonium oxide which is deposited in the lungs and lymph nodes and cannot be detected in the urine. The human experimental subjects were injected with plutonium cirate or nitrate which does show up in the urine. Thirty years of testing urine from those exposed in above ground tests has led to thousands of useless tests that show a false negative and false evidence that could be used to claim that these human exposures were low or non-existent. The search for a biological dosimeter lasted 30 years at dozens of labs costing many millions of dollars and procuded no answer. Just how much radiation is a safe dose in the human body, and how to measure the amount the body has received is still unknown. The current answer in science is that there is no such thing as a safe dose of radiation.
Mary Jean Connell, the only living victim of the plutonium experiments, when asked how she felt after receiving $100,000 dollars, merely replied "I'm afraid it's going to happen again, you know"..
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The New Phoenix Program; Human Radiation Studies Part II
Nuclear testing began in the Pacific and the continental US. Residents of the Marshall Islands were focibly relocated and dozens of devices were tested there, some so enormous they obliterated large parts of the Islands. Captured and obsolete ships were placed in the blast zone with test animals on board. After the detonations thousands of observerd and military moves near ground zero to decontaminate equipment. The military brass wanted to know how equipment and men would fare in a nuclear war. At what point are the ships too hot or the men too poisoned to continue to fight. The Air Force sent planes into radioactive clouds that registered 800 rad per hour or higher adopting lead helmets and special shielding in an effort to protect the pilots. The army placed troops in trenches 1,000 yards from the blast and immediately after the explosion walked them on line through ground zero in an effort to prepare them psychologically for fighting with nuclear weapons.
General James Cooney was the foremost advocate of testing and took authority away from the AEC Atomic Energy Commission for the responsibility of setting exposure limits on troops. Scientists were allowed exposure of no more than 3 rad for a 13 week period while limits for military personnel were oficially set at 5 rad per test. The badges given to troops to wear measured only external beta radiation and were not used extensively. The scientists working for the AEC wore protective gear while the troops did not. The health effects of radiation were fairly well known to the scientists involved due o their animal studies, industrial
accidents, and the very public deaths of Madame Curie and others. By the 1920's it was known that hundreds of the early pioneerd in radiation studies were dead. A single dose of 350 rad was the human LD-50, the dose that caused death to half those exposed. One millionth of a gra, once inside the human body could cause death. A nuclear explosion immediately produces Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and X-ray radiation. Hundreds of different radioactive isotopic particles are formed as residual contamination that is absorbed into different body tissues with varying degrees of longevity and toxicity. One example is radioiodine that
collects in the thyroid. This kaleidoscope of sources make it difficult to gage what dose has been delivered and to what effect. Inhalation of a small particle of plutonium would collect in the bone marrow and emit energies on the order of 200 million electron volts. The normal energy level of the human cell is 10 electron volts, and under such an assault the cell either dies, becomes inoperable, or grows uncontrollably, in other words, cancer.
Arthur compton and the other physicist knew what had happened to the earlier experimenters with radioactive materials. Compton chose Robert Stone in Berkeley and Joseph Hamilton at Chicago to research the biological aspects. The scientists who conducted these experiments were not from the inner sanctum trying to build the Bomb, they reported their findings to them. Joseph Hamilton began to study radiation effects in rats in the summer of 1942. In 1943 the first human test subjects would be used without their knowledge or consent. All the experiments were conducted for the express purpose of answering the unknowns, how much radiation could kill a man? Could blood tests detect exposure? Are there treatments for exposure? Long before radiological warfare was used on enemy populations in war it was purposefully tested on American civilians. By 1945 the war was over but these quetions remained unanswered. The
experiments would have to continue for the next thirty years.
Admiral James Cooney became the leading advocate for an experiment on 200 healthy "volunteers" using up to 150 rad or more. Col. Shields Warren opposed the idea as did other civilian scientists. he argued that 200 was too small a number to base a study on, a real study would have to include 10,000 or more subjects. While this argument raged the School of Aviation Medicine in San Antonio, texas quietly began to do the tests for the Air Force. Randolph Lee Clarke, the director of the MD Anderson, oversaw the first study irradiating sick cancer patients with hundreds of rads using TBI or total body irradiation. Human subjects were chosen with tumors that did not respond to treatment with radiation. Patients that would have been helped by radiation would have shown altered levels of blood cells, amino acids, enzymes, plasma proteins and lipids that would have clouded the results in the search for a biological dosimeter. Col. Shields Warren did not object to the use of cancer patients but many of these people were not very ill or had been misdiagnosed. At least two of the twenty people injected with plutonium had been misdiagnosed as having cancer when they did not. Many of the others were not cancer patients but suffered from illnesses such as scleroderma or Cushing's disease. These errors were repeated in the Total Body Irradiation experiments that were sponsored by the military. Many of the cancer patients had been well enough to work and live normally. After doses of 100 to 2,000 rad many died within days or weeks and had in fact been killed by radiation poisoning. Those that lived were often debilitated and in constant pain.
Surprisingly or not, 34 Nazi scientists were employed at Randoplh AFB in San Antonio and involved in these lethal experiments. These were just a few of the thousands of Nazi scientists who had secretly been smuggled into the US under operation "Paperclip" to help the US destroy the USSR. Dr. Hubertus Strughold was their intellectual and spiritual leader in radiation studies. He brought in Dr. Herbert Gerstner who had used human subjects during the war to study at what point human hearing is completely destroyed due to explosions from shelling. He also used people to study the exact cause of death in cases of electrocution. He found that death resulted from a tremendous increase in blood pressure that forced blood from the peripheral vessels into the heart and abdominal cavity. These men had all experimented on Jews, Gypsies, intellectuals, homosexuals, allied pow's, and others and were now in San Antonio doing lethal TBI experiments on American citizens for the military.
Gerstner and Eugene Saenger collaborated on the TBI studies, Gerstner did the first one and Saenger did the last one. The locations included MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Sloan-Kettering in New Yorl, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, and Oak Ridge Tennessee between the years 1951 and 1974 sudying about 500 patients. The TBI experiments were only a subset of the radiation experiments on human subjects that included plutonium injections, radioactive isotope studies, and many others. Vanderbilt University Hospital Prenatal Clinic hosted 850 pregnant women to a secret study using radioactive isotopes iron-55 and iron-59. The pregnant women were given a cocktail and told it was vitamins for their unborn child. Free health care was the lure used on the economically disadvantaged women. Helen Hutchinson was 6 months pregnant and visited the clinic in July, 1946 seeking treatment for nausea. She was given a cocktail by the doctor and told to drink it, that it would make her
feel better. Several months after the birth of her daughter her hair ferll out and she developed blisters, anemia,
and later had life threatening complications after several miscarriages. Her daughter barbara was always tired as a child, developed an ummune system disorder and skin cancer. Many of the mothers and children exposed to radioactive iron developed strange afflictions, rashes, anemia, blood disorders, and cancer. Paul Hahn, the principle investigator in the study, was a protégé of Stafford Warren and had worked with Robly Evans. Hahn wrote that iron-55 with a half life of 5 years was too hazardous to be given to humans and had no therepeutic value, yet he used it in his study which was partially funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. Helen Hutchinson's husband had landed in Europe on D-Day, and had personally helped liberate Buchenwald concentration camp. The Nazi doctors who worked in the camp may have been some of the very men who participated in the radiation experiment on his wife and unborn child.
One study conducted at the fernald State School in Waltham, Massachusetts used radiactive iron and calcium secretly given to 74 orphans in their oatmeal using th ruse of a nutrition study. Robly Evans produced the raioactive isotopes in the MIT cyclotron and supervised the experiment. The lure used by the MIT scientists was membership in a science club what went on school outings to baseball games and even christmas parties at the MIT faculty club. The scientists may not have believed that the amount of radiation involved was harmful, but they would not have allowed this experiment to be conducted on their own families.
At Washington State Penitentiary and Oregon State Prison about 200 prisonores had their testicles irradiated with 8 to 600 rads with the lure of a little money and extra privileges. Carl Heller, one of the world's leading endocrinologists, and his protégé C. Alvin Paulsen ran the two studies from 1963 until 1971. These and similar experiments on thousands of people continued for 30 years in the vain search for a biological dosimeter. The identities and the ultimate fates of the test subjects will never be known, most going to their graves never knowing they had been used as guman guinea pigs by their own government.
Elmer Allen was designated experimental test subject CAL-13. Only July 18, 1947 in a San Francisco
Hospital he was injected with plutonium in the left leg. Three days later the leg was amputated at mid thigh. Elmer was a porter for the Pullman Company who injured his leg while stepping off a train. He was diagnosed with a fracture that developed into a cyst. The first test for cancer was negative, a second test indicated cancer. Unable to work after the amputation, he was forced to return to Italy, Texas with his wife and three children. His wife recalled that he began having epileptic seizures,"he would chew the spoon to pieces, his tongue too". Elmer began drinking heavily and told his best friend that he had been used as a guinea pig, but no one not even his family doctor believed him. The doctor later diagnosed him as a paranoid schzophrenic. During a effort to collect the bodies of the people injected with plutonium it was discovered to their amazement that 4 of them were still alive. In 1973 Austin Bues, from the Center for Human Radiobiology wrote to Elmer and asked him to be in a metabolism study. He and his wife were brougyht to Chicago and Elmer's urine and feces were collected for two weeks. The trip was paid for and Elmer received $140 plus 13$ a day expenses.
X-rays revealed bone damage consisted with radiation. One year after Elmer's death the family was contacted by a reporter and learned that Elmer had been a human experimental subject and the family had been lied to for 44 years. Elmer Allen died in 1991, his head stone reads Elmer Allen 1911-1947 CAL-13 1947-1991 One of America's nuclear guinea pigs.
General James Cooney was the foremost advocate of testing and took authority away from the AEC Atomic Energy Commission for the responsibility of setting exposure limits on troops. Scientists were allowed exposure of no more than 3 rad for a 13 week period while limits for military personnel were oficially set at 5 rad per test. The badges given to troops to wear measured only external beta radiation and were not used extensively. The scientists working for the AEC wore protective gear while the troops did not. The health effects of radiation were fairly well known to the scientists involved due o their animal studies, industrial
accidents, and the very public deaths of Madame Curie and others. By the 1920's it was known that hundreds of the early pioneerd in radiation studies were dead. A single dose of 350 rad was the human LD-50, the dose that caused death to half those exposed. One millionth of a gra, once inside the human body could cause death. A nuclear explosion immediately produces Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and X-ray radiation. Hundreds of different radioactive isotopic particles are formed as residual contamination that is absorbed into different body tissues with varying degrees of longevity and toxicity. One example is radioiodine that
collects in the thyroid. This kaleidoscope of sources make it difficult to gage what dose has been delivered and to what effect. Inhalation of a small particle of plutonium would collect in the bone marrow and emit energies on the order of 200 million electron volts. The normal energy level of the human cell is 10 electron volts, and under such an assault the cell either dies, becomes inoperable, or grows uncontrollably, in other words, cancer.
Arthur compton and the other physicist knew what had happened to the earlier experimenters with radioactive materials. Compton chose Robert Stone in Berkeley and Joseph Hamilton at Chicago to research the biological aspects. The scientists who conducted these experiments were not from the inner sanctum trying to build the Bomb, they reported their findings to them. Joseph Hamilton began to study radiation effects in rats in the summer of 1942. In 1943 the first human test subjects would be used without their knowledge or consent. All the experiments were conducted for the express purpose of answering the unknowns, how much radiation could kill a man? Could blood tests detect exposure? Are there treatments for exposure? Long before radiological warfare was used on enemy populations in war it was purposefully tested on American civilians. By 1945 the war was over but these quetions remained unanswered. The
experiments would have to continue for the next thirty years.
Admiral James Cooney became the leading advocate for an experiment on 200 healthy "volunteers" using up to 150 rad or more. Col. Shields Warren opposed the idea as did other civilian scientists. he argued that 200 was too small a number to base a study on, a real study would have to include 10,000 or more subjects. While this argument raged the School of Aviation Medicine in San Antonio, texas quietly began to do the tests for the Air Force. Randolph Lee Clarke, the director of the MD Anderson, oversaw the first study irradiating sick cancer patients with hundreds of rads using TBI or total body irradiation. Human subjects were chosen with tumors that did not respond to treatment with radiation. Patients that would have been helped by radiation would have shown altered levels of blood cells, amino acids, enzymes, plasma proteins and lipids that would have clouded the results in the search for a biological dosimeter. Col. Shields Warren did not object to the use of cancer patients but many of these people were not very ill or had been misdiagnosed. At least two of the twenty people injected with plutonium had been misdiagnosed as having cancer when they did not. Many of the others were not cancer patients but suffered from illnesses such as scleroderma or Cushing's disease. These errors were repeated in the Total Body Irradiation experiments that were sponsored by the military. Many of the cancer patients had been well enough to work and live normally. After doses of 100 to 2,000 rad many died within days or weeks and had in fact been killed by radiation poisoning. Those that lived were often debilitated and in constant pain.
Surprisingly or not, 34 Nazi scientists were employed at Randoplh AFB in San Antonio and involved in these lethal experiments. These were just a few of the thousands of Nazi scientists who had secretly been smuggled into the US under operation "Paperclip" to help the US destroy the USSR. Dr. Hubertus Strughold was their intellectual and spiritual leader in radiation studies. He brought in Dr. Herbert Gerstner who had used human subjects during the war to study at what point human hearing is completely destroyed due to explosions from shelling. He also used people to study the exact cause of death in cases of electrocution. He found that death resulted from a tremendous increase in blood pressure that forced blood from the peripheral vessels into the heart and abdominal cavity. These men had all experimented on Jews, Gypsies, intellectuals, homosexuals, allied pow's, and others and were now in San Antonio doing lethal TBI experiments on American citizens for the military.
Gerstner and Eugene Saenger collaborated on the TBI studies, Gerstner did the first one and Saenger did the last one. The locations included MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Sloan-Kettering in New Yorl, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, and Oak Ridge Tennessee between the years 1951 and 1974 sudying about 500 patients. The TBI experiments were only a subset of the radiation experiments on human subjects that included plutonium injections, radioactive isotope studies, and many others. Vanderbilt University Hospital Prenatal Clinic hosted 850 pregnant women to a secret study using radioactive isotopes iron-55 and iron-59. The pregnant women were given a cocktail and told it was vitamins for their unborn child. Free health care was the lure used on the economically disadvantaged women. Helen Hutchinson was 6 months pregnant and visited the clinic in July, 1946 seeking treatment for nausea. She was given a cocktail by the doctor and told to drink it, that it would make her
feel better. Several months after the birth of her daughter her hair ferll out and she developed blisters, anemia,
and later had life threatening complications after several miscarriages. Her daughter barbara was always tired as a child, developed an ummune system disorder and skin cancer. Many of the mothers and children exposed to radioactive iron developed strange afflictions, rashes, anemia, blood disorders, and cancer. Paul Hahn, the principle investigator in the study, was a protégé of Stafford Warren and had worked with Robly Evans. Hahn wrote that iron-55 with a half life of 5 years was too hazardous to be given to humans and had no therepeutic value, yet he used it in his study which was partially funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. Helen Hutchinson's husband had landed in Europe on D-Day, and had personally helped liberate Buchenwald concentration camp. The Nazi doctors who worked in the camp may have been some of the very men who participated in the radiation experiment on his wife and unborn child.
One study conducted at the fernald State School in Waltham, Massachusetts used radiactive iron and calcium secretly given to 74 orphans in their oatmeal using th ruse of a nutrition study. Robly Evans produced the raioactive isotopes in the MIT cyclotron and supervised the experiment. The lure used by the MIT scientists was membership in a science club what went on school outings to baseball games and even christmas parties at the MIT faculty club. The scientists may not have believed that the amount of radiation involved was harmful, but they would not have allowed this experiment to be conducted on their own families.
At Washington State Penitentiary and Oregon State Prison about 200 prisonores had their testicles irradiated with 8 to 600 rads with the lure of a little money and extra privileges. Carl Heller, one of the world's leading endocrinologists, and his protégé C. Alvin Paulsen ran the two studies from 1963 until 1971. These and similar experiments on thousands of people continued for 30 years in the vain search for a biological dosimeter. The identities and the ultimate fates of the test subjects will never be known, most going to their graves never knowing they had been used as guman guinea pigs by their own government.
Elmer Allen was designated experimental test subject CAL-13. Only July 18, 1947 in a San Francisco
Hospital he was injected with plutonium in the left leg. Three days later the leg was amputated at mid thigh. Elmer was a porter for the Pullman Company who injured his leg while stepping off a train. He was diagnosed with a fracture that developed into a cyst. The first test for cancer was negative, a second test indicated cancer. Unable to work after the amputation, he was forced to return to Italy, Texas with his wife and three children. His wife recalled that he began having epileptic seizures,"he would chew the spoon to pieces, his tongue too". Elmer began drinking heavily and told his best friend that he had been used as a guinea pig, but no one not even his family doctor believed him. The doctor later diagnosed him as a paranoid schzophrenic. During a effort to collect the bodies of the people injected with plutonium it was discovered to their amazement that 4 of them were still alive. In 1973 Austin Bues, from the Center for Human Radiobiology wrote to Elmer and asked him to be in a metabolism study. He and his wife were brougyht to Chicago and Elmer's urine and feces were collected for two weeks. The trip was paid for and Elmer received $140 plus 13$ a day expenses.
X-rays revealed bone damage consisted with radiation. One year after Elmer's death the family was contacted by a reporter and learned that Elmer had been a human experimental subject and the family had been lied to for 44 years. Elmer Allen died in 1991, his head stone reads Elmer Allen 1911-1947 CAL-13 1947-1991 One of America's nuclear guinea pigs.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
The New Phoenix Program; Human Radiation Studies Part I
Human Radiation Studies:
In December 1939 as Europe was posed on the brink of war, two German radio chemists split the uranium atom in their berlin laboratory. They confided the results to Lise Meitner and Otto Fritsch who calsulated the released energy at 200 million electron volts for one atom. The significance of the event was understood immediately in scientific communities in all nations. Virtually unlimited energy could be produced in a controlled reaction and an uncontrolled reaction would yield an explosive of incredible power. The University of California at Berkeley was where plutonium 238 half life 86 years and plutonium 239 half life 24,000 years were first created. Seaborg, Segre and McMillan used cyclotrons to produce one microgram of plutonium. After months of work their product could be detected but was too small to be seen. Plutonium was described as a crazy metal, Small amounts spontaneously combust in air so it must be handled in an invornment free of oxygen. Depending on the chemical form it might be blue, green, pruple, yellow, red, brown or pink. Seaborg said "under some conditions it might be brittle like glass or soft like lead. It will disintegrate at room temprature, undergoing five pahse changes between room temprature and the melting point. It is friendishly toxic, even in small amounts." Robley Evans who studied women exposed on the job to radium wrote that as little as two micrograms, two millionths of a gram, was fatal. Ernest Lawrence told government officials that plutonium 239 "could be used to make a super bomb." It was 1941 and the United States would be in the war in a matter of months.Albert Einstein, Leo Szilard, and Arthur Compton were instrumental in persuading FDR to study the feasibility of building a nclear bomb. The manhattan Project was the secret effort to build the atomic bomb. It was a gamble that represented several billion dollars and a
significant percentage of the war time budget. The Oak Ridge plant in Tennessee was 56,000 acres devoted to making uranium-235 and the Hanford Washington site made plutonium. These facilities had taken the bench scale process and increased it a billion fold. General Leslie Groves was tapped to head the massvive project. He appointed Robert Oppenheimer to be in charge of the design, construction, and testing of the weapon. Los Alamos, New Mexico was chosen as the site of the facility to build and test such a weapon.
Quantum Physics was a science that had been invented by the twenty year olds and the staff Oppenheimer assembled for the Manhattan Project reflected that. The bomb might not work and if the high explosive failed to ignite the fission reaction $2.5 billion dollars (1945) worth of plutonium would be scattered across the Jiminez Mountains. Jumbo was the largest fabricated object ever built, designed to contain the plutonium if ignition failed. At dawn on july 16, 1945 the Trinity site witnessed the detonation of the device code named Gadget. The remaining two devices, named Little Boy and Fat Man, were used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
on august 6 and 9th killing approximately 200,000 people. WWII terror bombing of civilians began with the London Blitz nilling 30,000 people and culminated in the firebombing of Dresden germany and Tokyo. Napalm was used in 1,000 plane raids that incinerated approximately 200,000 people. The atomic bomb did not add to the scale of mass murder of civilian populations, but it certainly made it more efficient. Many of the scientists declared publicly that the U.S possessed only a few years head start before another nation followed suit. Many of the scientists and some generals advocated international control and the eventual banning of
nuclear weapons.Those that tried to hesad off a nuclear arms race in the end failed as events and personalities took on a momentum of their own. Edward teller advocated the super-heavy, the Hydrogen bomb. Oppenheimer objected to the development of the Hydrogen bomb and stated that these were
genocidal weapons. He was promptly replaced. Teller assumed the scientific leadership of the weapons program and remained influential for the entire Cold War. The largest Hydrogen bomb ever tested by the U.S was around 40 megatons, 4,000 times more powerful than the 10 kiloton Hiroshima bomb. The nuclear arms race that followed has resulted in the doctrine of MAD, mutually assured destruction. If either the U.S or USSR launch any or all of their half of the 20,000 nuclear weapons they have aimed at each other, then they can rest assured that they too would be completely destroyed in a retaliatory strike. The nuclear arms race consumed much of the wealth of the U.S leaving the civilian population living in very real fear that the world could end in a matter of minutes.
In December 1939 as Europe was posed on the brink of war, two German radio chemists split the uranium atom in their berlin laboratory. They confided the results to Lise Meitner and Otto Fritsch who calsulated the released energy at 200 million electron volts for one atom. The significance of the event was understood immediately in scientific communities in all nations. Virtually unlimited energy could be produced in a controlled reaction and an uncontrolled reaction would yield an explosive of incredible power. The University of California at Berkeley was where plutonium 238 half life 86 years and plutonium 239 half life 24,000 years were first created. Seaborg, Segre and McMillan used cyclotrons to produce one microgram of plutonium. After months of work their product could be detected but was too small to be seen. Plutonium was described as a crazy metal, Small amounts spontaneously combust in air so it must be handled in an invornment free of oxygen. Depending on the chemical form it might be blue, green, pruple, yellow, red, brown or pink. Seaborg said "under some conditions it might be brittle like glass or soft like lead. It will disintegrate at room temprature, undergoing five pahse changes between room temprature and the melting point. It is friendishly toxic, even in small amounts." Robley Evans who studied women exposed on the job to radium wrote that as little as two micrograms, two millionths of a gram, was fatal. Ernest Lawrence told government officials that plutonium 239 "could be used to make a super bomb." It was 1941 and the United States would be in the war in a matter of months.Albert Einstein, Leo Szilard, and Arthur Compton were instrumental in persuading FDR to study the feasibility of building a nclear bomb. The manhattan Project was the secret effort to build the atomic bomb. It was a gamble that represented several billion dollars and a
significant percentage of the war time budget. The Oak Ridge plant in Tennessee was 56,000 acres devoted to making uranium-235 and the Hanford Washington site made plutonium. These facilities had taken the bench scale process and increased it a billion fold. General Leslie Groves was tapped to head the massvive project. He appointed Robert Oppenheimer to be in charge of the design, construction, and testing of the weapon. Los Alamos, New Mexico was chosen as the site of the facility to build and test such a weapon.
Quantum Physics was a science that had been invented by the twenty year olds and the staff Oppenheimer assembled for the Manhattan Project reflected that. The bomb might not work and if the high explosive failed to ignite the fission reaction $2.5 billion dollars (1945) worth of plutonium would be scattered across the Jiminez Mountains. Jumbo was the largest fabricated object ever built, designed to contain the plutonium if ignition failed. At dawn on july 16, 1945 the Trinity site witnessed the detonation of the device code named Gadget. The remaining two devices, named Little Boy and Fat Man, were used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
on august 6 and 9th killing approximately 200,000 people. WWII terror bombing of civilians began with the London Blitz nilling 30,000 people and culminated in the firebombing of Dresden germany and Tokyo. Napalm was used in 1,000 plane raids that incinerated approximately 200,000 people. The atomic bomb did not add to the scale of mass murder of civilian populations, but it certainly made it more efficient. Many of the scientists declared publicly that the U.S possessed only a few years head start before another nation followed suit. Many of the scientists and some generals advocated international control and the eventual banning of
nuclear weapons.Those that tried to hesad off a nuclear arms race in the end failed as events and personalities took on a momentum of their own. Edward teller advocated the super-heavy, the Hydrogen bomb. Oppenheimer objected to the development of the Hydrogen bomb and stated that these were
genocidal weapons. He was promptly replaced. Teller assumed the scientific leadership of the weapons program and remained influential for the entire Cold War. The largest Hydrogen bomb ever tested by the U.S was around 40 megatons, 4,000 times more powerful than the 10 kiloton Hiroshima bomb. The nuclear arms race that followed has resulted in the doctrine of MAD, mutually assured destruction. If either the U.S or USSR launch any or all of their half of the 20,000 nuclear weapons they have aimed at each other, then they can rest assured that they too would be completely destroyed in a retaliatory strike. The nuclear arms race consumed much of the wealth of the U.S leaving the civilian population living in very real fear that the world could end in a matter of minutes.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
The Phoenix Program; TWO: History of Government Human Experimentation
TWO: History of Government Human Experimentation
In order to understand the current state sponsored human experimentation program using microwave weapons against civilians it is necessary to begin with previous program that began in the early 1900's, and continued to the present day..
Eugenics Movement
Eugenics originated in England with the work of Francis Galton who studied
hereditary traits in families and began nature versus nurture debate and it's ultimate focus on twins to answer the question of what was more powerful, heredity or environment. He proposed positive Eugenics, encouraging the reproduction of eminent men and families. He cautioned against drawing premature and harmful conclusions from his work, but like his cousin, Charles Darwin, his work was used as justification for some of the greatest crimes in history. Negative Eugenics is the application of means to discourage the breeding of the "unfit", including anti-race mixing marriage laws, segregation (institutionalization), sterilization, and euthanasia. Eugenics s not the true science and though it is dressed up in mathematics to give it legitimacy it has more in common with the quak science of Phrenology. Phrenology was the study of the head size and shape to determine intelligence and character.
The industrial age had thrown millions of people off the farm and into the city to work in low faying factory jobs. The sheer scale of the problems of mental illness, alcoholism and crime seemed overwhelming. Added to this, millions of Eastern Europeans and Italians came to America and made native the population uneasy. They were viewd as bad stock compared to the more "Nordic types" that made up earlier waves of immigration from Western Europe. Suggestions for solving these probleems took the form of segregation, sterilization, and mass euthanasia, however the Eugenics movement leaders were smart enough to realize that America was not prepared for euthanasia.
The Eugenics movement took shape in America with the founding of the Eugenics Recording Office at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in 1910 by Charles Davenport with money from the Carnegie Institution. The ERO compiled millions of files on ordinary Americans. The adherents of Eugenics included some of the most influential doctors and scientists of the era, including Alexander Graham Bell, Luther Burbank, W.M. Kellogg, David Starr Jordan, the President of Stanford University, William Welch of the John Hopkins University, professors at Harvard, Columbia, Yale, and other universities taught 375 courses on Eugenics. The hypothesis that mental illness, crime and poverty were inherited factors and could be cured through negative Eugenics had by the 1920's been accepted by America Society as fact. Contests for fitter family were common at state fairs and Eugenics publications and ideas were widespread. This could not have been possible without the hard work of many eminent men and the application of large amounts of money.
The great fortunes of The Carnegie Institution, The Rockefeller Foundation, Harriman Family, Ford Foundation, Milbank Memorial Fund, and others funded the ERO, The American Eugenics Society, The American Eugenics Party and others. The American Eugenics Movement actively encouraged foreign countries to participate, concentrating most heavily on Germany. The opening adress of the Second International Congress of Eugenics in 1921 was repeated in German.
Only 3,00 people had been forcibly sterilized by the time the famous case of Buck vs. Bell reached the Supreme Court. Carrie Buck was a 17 year old girl who became pregnant out of wedlock in 1920's Virginia. She was ostracized by her community and her baby Vivian Buck, was reported to the ERO as appearing 'not normal'. Carrie and her mother's files were examined, both had previously been classified as MORONS and court proceedings were begun to have Carrie forcibly sterilized without examination. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes delivered the verdict of the court in 1927.
It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manufestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes. Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S 11, 25 S. CT. 358, 3 Ann. Cas. 765. Three generations of imbeciles are enough."
This decision validated Virginia's Eugenical Sterilization Act and set in motion the forced sterilization of 30-60k American citizens. Eventually similar laws were passed in 34 other states. Carrie Buck was not a promiscuous and disruptive moronic slut as she had been portrayed at trial by the testimony of her school superintendent. She had been raped by her foster family's son. She had been on the honor roll. Her
forcible sterilization was a result of lies, incorrect diagnoses, and a plot to pass the Virginia Law. A review of the case uncovered a conspiracy between Carrie's defense lawyer and the Colony of Virginia to ensure the constitutionality of Virginia's new law. The state was trying to save money by sterlizing the growing
population at it's mental facilities.
The greatest impact of Buck vs. Bell was in Germany. In 1933 the Nazi government adopted the Prevention of Hereditary III Offspring Act which was based on Buck vs. Bell and led to the forced sterilization of 375,000 people and the banning of marriage and sexual relations between Germans and Jews. The Rockefeller Foundation funded the Eugenicists at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute including the work of Ernst Rudin, a leading psychiatrist who becamse an architect and prime director of the murderous medical expermintation programs conducted on thousands of Jews, Gypsies, and others. American money also endowed the work of Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer who headed the Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics. He wrote in his Eugenics journal that "Germany's war would yield a total solution
to the Jewish problem." Verschuer had a longtime assistant. His name was Josef Mengele. On May 30, 1943, Mengele arrived at Auschwitz. Verschuer notified the German Research Society,"My assistant Dr. Josef Mengele (M.D., Ph.D.) joined me in this branch of research. He is presently employed as Hauptsturmführer (captain) and camp physician in the Auschwitz concentration camp. Anthropological testing of the most diverse racial groups in this concentration camp is being carried out with permission of the SS Reichsführer (Himmler). "Mengele began searching the boxcar arrivals for twins. When he found them, he preformed beastly experiments, scrupulously wrote up the reports and sent the paperwork back to Verschuer's institute for evaluation. Often, cadavers, eyes and other body parts were also dispatched
to Berlin's eugenics institues. Several doctors who had been sent to Auschwitz for aiding Jews were forced to work as his assistants and described him thus...His experiments and observations were carried out in an abnormal fashion. When he made transfusions he purposely used incorrect blood types. He would inject substances and then ignore the results. He did what he pleased and conducted his experiments
like a mad amateur. He was not a savant. He had the mania of a collector. He was also fascinated with gypsies and dwarfs as human specimens. His experiments, lacking scientific value, were no more than foolish playing and all his activities were full of contradiction. In other words, he was a hack with
an MD and a Ph.D in eugenics, a quak science.
"The toll of Eugenics Laws would fall heavily on non-Jewish Germans as well. The chronology of events is instructive. First patients in German mental facilities were sterilized, then it was decided to gas them. CO gas was used in the beginning but was discarded in favor of Zyklon B gas for reasons of economy and effectiveness. Next all the residents of the old age homes in germany were either starved, given lethal injection, or gassed and then cremated. Finally German citizens who had physical disabilities, many quite mild or correctable, were euthanized. Between 50,000 and 100,000 were evetually killed.
The program was referred to as a mercy death however nothing could be farther from the truth. Witnesses said that the floor, walls, and even the ceiling of the gas chamber were stained with blood, vomit, urine and feces. At the center of the toom would be an enormous pile of bodies in the general shape of a pyramid as people struggled to climb on top of each other to reach the last remaining breathable air near the ceiling.
American Eugenics movement leaders went underground and changed the name of their organizations. The lifelong friendships between people like Verschuer and the leading members of the American Eugenics Movement continued even ater the Holocaust. He and many others were never punished and remained influential men in society. Their portraits hang in many major universities, both in Germany and America. The names of their victims are mostly lost to history. They included the powerless people who couldn't fighyt back. Carrie Buck's daughter died at the age of 8 years old due to an illness. In her shot school career she had made the honor roll.
In order to understand the current state sponsored human experimentation program using microwave weapons against civilians it is necessary to begin with previous program that began in the early 1900's, and continued to the present day..
Eugenics Movement
Eugenics originated in England with the work of Francis Galton who studied
hereditary traits in families and began nature versus nurture debate and it's ultimate focus on twins to answer the question of what was more powerful, heredity or environment. He proposed positive Eugenics, encouraging the reproduction of eminent men and families. He cautioned against drawing premature and harmful conclusions from his work, but like his cousin, Charles Darwin, his work was used as justification for some of the greatest crimes in history. Negative Eugenics is the application of means to discourage the breeding of the "unfit", including anti-race mixing marriage laws, segregation (institutionalization), sterilization, and euthanasia. Eugenics s not the true science and though it is dressed up in mathematics to give it legitimacy it has more in common with the quak science of Phrenology. Phrenology was the study of the head size and shape to determine intelligence and character.
The industrial age had thrown millions of people off the farm and into the city to work in low faying factory jobs. The sheer scale of the problems of mental illness, alcoholism and crime seemed overwhelming. Added to this, millions of Eastern Europeans and Italians came to America and made native the population uneasy. They were viewd as bad stock compared to the more "Nordic types" that made up earlier waves of immigration from Western Europe. Suggestions for solving these probleems took the form of segregation, sterilization, and mass euthanasia, however the Eugenics movement leaders were smart enough to realize that America was not prepared for euthanasia.
The Eugenics movement took shape in America with the founding of the Eugenics Recording Office at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in 1910 by Charles Davenport with money from the Carnegie Institution. The ERO compiled millions of files on ordinary Americans. The adherents of Eugenics included some of the most influential doctors and scientists of the era, including Alexander Graham Bell, Luther Burbank, W.M. Kellogg, David Starr Jordan, the President of Stanford University, William Welch of the John Hopkins University, professors at Harvard, Columbia, Yale, and other universities taught 375 courses on Eugenics. The hypothesis that mental illness, crime and poverty were inherited factors and could be cured through negative Eugenics had by the 1920's been accepted by America Society as fact. Contests for fitter family were common at state fairs and Eugenics publications and ideas were widespread. This could not have been possible without the hard work of many eminent men and the application of large amounts of money.
The great fortunes of The Carnegie Institution, The Rockefeller Foundation, Harriman Family, Ford Foundation, Milbank Memorial Fund, and others funded the ERO, The American Eugenics Society, The American Eugenics Party and others. The American Eugenics Movement actively encouraged foreign countries to participate, concentrating most heavily on Germany. The opening adress of the Second International Congress of Eugenics in 1921 was repeated in German.
Only 3,00 people had been forcibly sterilized by the time the famous case of Buck vs. Bell reached the Supreme Court. Carrie Buck was a 17 year old girl who became pregnant out of wedlock in 1920's Virginia. She was ostracized by her community and her baby Vivian Buck, was reported to the ERO as appearing 'not normal'. Carrie and her mother's files were examined, both had previously been classified as MORONS and court proceedings were begun to have Carrie forcibly sterilized without examination. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes delivered the verdict of the court in 1927.
It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manufestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes. Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S 11, 25 S. CT. 358, 3 Ann. Cas. 765. Three generations of imbeciles are enough."
This decision validated Virginia's Eugenical Sterilization Act and set in motion the forced sterilization of 30-60k American citizens. Eventually similar laws were passed in 34 other states. Carrie Buck was not a promiscuous and disruptive moronic slut as she had been portrayed at trial by the testimony of her school superintendent. She had been raped by her foster family's son. She had been on the honor roll. Her
forcible sterilization was a result of lies, incorrect diagnoses, and a plot to pass the Virginia Law. A review of the case uncovered a conspiracy between Carrie's defense lawyer and the Colony of Virginia to ensure the constitutionality of Virginia's new law. The state was trying to save money by sterlizing the growing
population at it's mental facilities.
The greatest impact of Buck vs. Bell was in Germany. In 1933 the Nazi government adopted the Prevention of Hereditary III Offspring Act which was based on Buck vs. Bell and led to the forced sterilization of 375,000 people and the banning of marriage and sexual relations between Germans and Jews. The Rockefeller Foundation funded the Eugenicists at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute including the work of Ernst Rudin, a leading psychiatrist who becamse an architect and prime director of the murderous medical expermintation programs conducted on thousands of Jews, Gypsies, and others. American money also endowed the work of Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer who headed the Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics. He wrote in his Eugenics journal that "Germany's war would yield a total solution
to the Jewish problem." Verschuer had a longtime assistant. His name was Josef Mengele. On May 30, 1943, Mengele arrived at Auschwitz. Verschuer notified the German Research Society,"My assistant Dr. Josef Mengele (M.D., Ph.D.) joined me in this branch of research. He is presently employed as Hauptsturmführer (captain) and camp physician in the Auschwitz concentration camp. Anthropological testing of the most diverse racial groups in this concentration camp is being carried out with permission of the SS Reichsführer (Himmler). "Mengele began searching the boxcar arrivals for twins. When he found them, he preformed beastly experiments, scrupulously wrote up the reports and sent the paperwork back to Verschuer's institute for evaluation. Often, cadavers, eyes and other body parts were also dispatched
to Berlin's eugenics institues. Several doctors who had been sent to Auschwitz for aiding Jews were forced to work as his assistants and described him thus...His experiments and observations were carried out in an abnormal fashion. When he made transfusions he purposely used incorrect blood types. He would inject substances and then ignore the results. He did what he pleased and conducted his experiments
like a mad amateur. He was not a savant. He had the mania of a collector. He was also fascinated with gypsies and dwarfs as human specimens. His experiments, lacking scientific value, were no more than foolish playing and all his activities were full of contradiction. In other words, he was a hack with
an MD and a Ph.D in eugenics, a quak science.
"The toll of Eugenics Laws would fall heavily on non-Jewish Germans as well. The chronology of events is instructive. First patients in German mental facilities were sterilized, then it was decided to gas them. CO gas was used in the beginning but was discarded in favor of Zyklon B gas for reasons of economy and effectiveness. Next all the residents of the old age homes in germany were either starved, given lethal injection, or gassed and then cremated. Finally German citizens who had physical disabilities, many quite mild or correctable, were euthanized. Between 50,000 and 100,000 were evetually killed.
The program was referred to as a mercy death however nothing could be farther from the truth. Witnesses said that the floor, walls, and even the ceiling of the gas chamber were stained with blood, vomit, urine and feces. At the center of the toom would be an enormous pile of bodies in the general shape of a pyramid as people struggled to climb on top of each other to reach the last remaining breathable air near the ceiling.
American Eugenics movement leaders went underground and changed the name of their organizations. The lifelong friendships between people like Verschuer and the leading members of the American Eugenics Movement continued even ater the Holocaust. He and many others were never punished and remained influential men in society. Their portraits hang in many major universities, both in Germany and America. The names of their victims are mostly lost to history. They included the powerless people who couldn't fighyt back. Carrie Buck's daughter died at the age of 8 years old due to an illness. In her shot school career she had made the honor roll.
Dec. 2010;NASA says they have found life on the 'moon' Titan and possibly another 'moon'.
March 2011;News reaches us that Youri Gargarin died because of a 'weather-balloon' (codeword;UFO).
March 2011;The movie 'Battle of Los Angeles' is released, based on a TRUE story (1942).
April 2011;Media tells us the FBI opens the UFO archive to everyone, because it is certain NO alien life exists.. ohh really?!
April 2011;Media tells us JFK asked CIA for UFO-documents.
Don't you see a pattern here?! Slowly we are being exposed through media/cinema to alien/extraterrestrial life, this is part of Project Bluebeam! This has been going on for decades, yes, but now it is going faster and faster..
And while you are at it, a documentary;
March 2011;News reaches us that Youri Gargarin died because of a 'weather-balloon' (codeword;UFO).
March 2011;The movie 'Battle of Los Angeles' is released, based on a TRUE story (1942).
April 2011;Media tells us the FBI opens the UFO archive to everyone, because it is certain NO alien life exists.. ohh really?!
April 2011;Media tells us JFK asked CIA for UFO-documents.
Don't you see a pattern here?! Slowly we are being exposed through media/cinema to alien/extraterrestrial life, this is part of Project Bluebeam! This has been going on for decades, yes, but now it is going faster and faster..
And while you are at it, a documentary;
Did JFK had to die because of UFO'S?
Was JFK killed because of the interest he took in alien life?
A secret memo of the CIA makes clear the slain president asked for
acces to UFO-documents.
In a letter, adressed to the head of the CIA, JFK asked 10 days
before his death, confidential documents about UFO's and existence of
extraterrestrial life. The memo is one of two letters to the CIA
in where Kennedy asks for clarification.
The interest of the president in UFOs and aliens, shortly before
his death, consistent with conspiracy theories about the murder.
Stories that Kennedy would be diverted from his fear that behind
the 'truth ' about the existence of aliens came to be attached
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
John McCain calls JFK assassination an "intervention"
Leave thoughts as comments..
The New Phoenix Program
ONE: War Crimes
Phoenix Program
The Phoenix Program, created by the CIA in 1967, was aimed at the "neutralizing" through assassination, kidnapping, and
torture, the civilian infrastructure that supported the Viet
Cong insurgency in South Vietnam. It was a terrifying "final solution" that violated the Geneva Conventions. The Phoenix Program's civilian targets of assassination were VC tax collectors, supply officers, political cadre, local military officals, and suspected sympathizers. Faulty intelligence often led to the murder of onnocent civilians,
rival Vietnamese would report their enemies as the "VC" in order
for the US troops to kill them. In 1971, William Colby, head of
the CIA in Vietnam, testified the number killed was 20,857.
South Vietnamese government figures were 40,994 dead. CIA officer
Ted Shackley managed(600 military and (40-50) CIA liason officers)
who were working with South Vietnamese officers in 44 provinces.
Ted Shackley and Robert Komer played key roles in recruiting Phoenix Program personnel. Many Covert Action officers were Cuban refugees from the Bay of Pigs fiasco. They ran the CIA's Counter-Terror (CT) Teams, which were in fact assassination squads.
Colby, Komer, and Shackley reported to DCI Richard Helms and the White House. From the beginning the Phoenix Program was conceived by the White House and supported by the CIA.
Phoenix called for "neutralizing" 1800 targets a month.
About one third of VC targeted for arrest were summarilt executed.
Green Berets and Navy SEALS would assassinate suspected VC sympathizers or cadres, as well as Souh Vetnamese collaborators and double agents. In 1982
an ex-Phoenix operative revealed that sometimes orders were given to kill U.S military personnel who were considered security risks. He suspects the order came not from "division",but from a higher authority such as the CIA or the Office of Naval Intelligence.
The following is the testimony of Vincent Okamoto, combat officer (Lieutenant) in Vietnam in 1968, and recipient of Distinguished Service Cross, the second highest awared conferred by the US Army. Wounded 3 times."The problem was, how do you find the people on the blacklist?
It's not like you had their adress and telephone number. The normal procedure would be to go into a village and just grab someone and say,'Where's Nhuyen so-and-so?'Half the time the people were so afraid they would say anythimg. Then a Phoenix team would take the informant,
put a sandbag over his head, poke out two holes so he could see, put commo wire around his neck like a long leash, and walk him through the village and say,'When we go by Nguyen's house scratch your head.'Then that night Phoenix would come back, knock on the door, and say,'April Fool, motherfucker.'Whoever answered the door would get wasted. As far as they were concerned whoever answered was a communist, including family members. Sometimes they'd come back to camp with ears to prove that they killed people."
Penetrations into the Viet Cong infrastructure was accomplished by blacmailing or terrorizing a member of a targeted individual's family to gathering information. Every Vietnamese 15 over and over had to register and carry identity cards, these records were computerized and eventually it involved into a highly computerized and statistical mens of generating 1800 names a month for the target list, coordinating
the information on suspects from 30,000 plus informants. When the strategic Hamlet Program failed, CIA and military intelligence concentrated on the Phoenix Program, a terror campaign aimed at the civilian population. Instead of winning hearts and minds, using the threat of assassination and a state of terror of defeat the NV. Many non-political Vietnamese were arrested and tortured and in effect forced into the resistance army.
Phoenix Program architect Robert Kromer, after leaving the Pentagon said,"I would have done a lot of thing diffrently and been more cautious about getting us involved."He called the war "a strategic disaster which cost us 57,000 lives and a half trillion dollars."
New Phoenix USA: The Vietnam War was the formative experience for a generation of CIA and military intelligence personnel involved in the Phoenix Program. They viewed the military defeat in Vietnam as a betrayel on the home front, a loss of will by domestic political enemies, not a military failure against a nationalst revolution fought as a guerilla war. The Phoenix Program, assassinating suspected VC sympathizers in a systematic manner, worked well and is the blueprint for the current black op targeting thousands of loyal Americans using state
of the art microwave (MW) and radio frequency radiation (RFR) weapons. The motivation to supress domestic dissidents and to assassinate loyal American opposition stems from the
perception of dissident against the war as treason. This philosophy is stated very clearly in the MindWar paper written by NSA General Aquino.
The DOD has a huge stake in futuristic technology that kills by ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, leaving little or no trace. The indiscriminant killing of the Phoenix Program continues on American soil. The terms 'soft kill', 'slow kill' and 'silent kill' refer to the new way of killing the enemy in conflicts short of war and the small wars of the future.
The counterinsurgency doctrine has now been applies to the home front, so that the perceived betrayal of the military in Vietnam will not be repeated. The generation of CIA and military intelligence led by Shackley, Helms, and Casey have built the perfect beast, using selective
assassination that leaves no trace. The ability to cull the human herd with Silent Kill technology allows a few personalities to remake the entire society in their own image. Extermely Low Frequency (ELF) technology kills with ionizing and non-ionizing radiation or slowly drives the target crazy with silent sound,similar to CIA MKULTRA
(and Project BlueBeam) psychiatrist Ewen Camerons psychic driving technique used to break down the targets personality. The new buzzwords at the Pentagon are silent kill, synthetic telepathy and psychotronics. Another means of attack on targets is the Smirnov patent that uses subliminal suggestion to manipulate human behavior. This patent was purchased by the remote viewing company Psi Tech Corporation. Military intelligence officers involved in developing these "non-lethal weapons" also control Psi Tech. Emotional manipulation is accomplished using Dr.
Michael Persinger's work to remotely project emotional states that the brain entrains or locks onto and emulates. One can broadcast rage or fear at an individual target to manipulate and control them. As if these methods were not enough to torture and murder people, add to
this nightmarish toolbox, active gang stalking. CIA created cults and other cause-oriented groups are used to induce forther trauma in the target by actively harassing them in public in a neutralization technique described in counterintelligence operations manuals that are
aimed at enemy agents. In the race to develop a new weapon system it has always been necessary to test it on human beings. Perfecting the latest weapons designed to kill slowly and silently as well as perfecting the process of controlling the human mind are no diffrent. Once the weaponry
has been perfected on these few thousands people the same techniques will be applied en mass to the general population, and the to humanity as a whole. It is probable that the detention and debriefing of the heads of the DIA, NSA, INSCOM, and CIA (Maples, Alexander, Lacquement, Hayden) and their replacement with civilian reformers will end the current war crimes.
Behavior Modification:
Col. John B. Alexander stated in an interview with the Washington Post in 2007,... The military and intelligence agencies were still scared by the excesses of MK-ULTRA,the infamous CIA program that involved, in part, slipping LSD to unsuspecting victims."Until recently, anything that smacked of [mind control] was extermely dangerous" because Congress would simply take the money away, he said. Alexander acknowledged that "there were some abuses that took place," but added that on the whole,"I would argue we threw the baby out with the bathwater."But september 11, 2001, changed the mood in Washington, and some in the national security community are again expressing interest in mind control, particularly a younger
generation of officials who weren't around for MK-ULTRA."It's interesting, that it's coming back,"Alexander observed. While Alexander scoffs at the notion that he is somehow part of an elaborate plot to control people's minds, he acknowledges support for learning how to tap into a potential enemy's brain. He gives as an example the possible use of functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI, for lie detection."Brain mapping" with fMRI theoreticalloy could allow interrogators to know when someone is lying by watching for activity in particular parts of the brain. For interrogating terrorists, fMRI could come in handy.
Alexander also is intrigued by the possibility of using electronic means to
modify behavior. The dilemma of the war on terrorism, he notes, is that it
never ends, So what do you do with enemies, such as those at Guantanamo: keep them there forever? That's impractical. Behavior modification could be an alternative, he says."Maybe i can fix you, or electronically neuter you, so it's safe to release you into society, so you won't come back and kill me," Alexander says. It's only a matter of time before technology allows that scenario to come true, he continues. "We're now getting to where we can do that.""Where does that fall in the ethics spectrum? That's a really tough question."
I will publish one chapter at a time.. Leave thoughts as comments..
Phoenix Program
The Phoenix Program, created by the CIA in 1967, was aimed at the "neutralizing" through assassination, kidnapping, and
torture, the civilian infrastructure that supported the Viet
Cong insurgency in South Vietnam. It was a terrifying "final solution" that violated the Geneva Conventions. The Phoenix Program's civilian targets of assassination were VC tax collectors, supply officers, political cadre, local military officals, and suspected sympathizers. Faulty intelligence often led to the murder of onnocent civilians,
rival Vietnamese would report their enemies as the "VC" in order
for the US troops to kill them. In 1971, William Colby, head of
the CIA in Vietnam, testified the number killed was 20,857.
South Vietnamese government figures were 40,994 dead. CIA officer
Ted Shackley managed(600 military and (40-50) CIA liason officers)
who were working with South Vietnamese officers in 44 provinces.
Ted Shackley and Robert Komer played key roles in recruiting Phoenix Program personnel. Many Covert Action officers were Cuban refugees from the Bay of Pigs fiasco. They ran the CIA's Counter-Terror (CT) Teams, which were in fact assassination squads.
Colby, Komer, and Shackley reported to DCI Richard Helms and the White House. From the beginning the Phoenix Program was conceived by the White House and supported by the CIA.
Phoenix called for "neutralizing" 1800 targets a month.
About one third of VC targeted for arrest were summarilt executed.
Green Berets and Navy SEALS would assassinate suspected VC sympathizers or cadres, as well as Souh Vetnamese collaborators and double agents. In 1982
an ex-Phoenix operative revealed that sometimes orders were given to kill U.S military personnel who were considered security risks. He suspects the order came not from "division",but from a higher authority such as the CIA or the Office of Naval Intelligence.
The following is the testimony of Vincent Okamoto, combat officer (Lieutenant) in Vietnam in 1968, and recipient of Distinguished Service Cross, the second highest awared conferred by the US Army. Wounded 3 times."The problem was, how do you find the people on the blacklist?
It's not like you had their adress and telephone number. The normal procedure would be to go into a village and just grab someone and say,'Where's Nhuyen so-and-so?'Half the time the people were so afraid they would say anythimg. Then a Phoenix team would take the informant,
put a sandbag over his head, poke out two holes so he could see, put commo wire around his neck like a long leash, and walk him through the village and say,'When we go by Nguyen's house scratch your head.'Then that night Phoenix would come back, knock on the door, and say,'April Fool, motherfucker.'Whoever answered the door would get wasted. As far as they were concerned whoever answered was a communist, including family members. Sometimes they'd come back to camp with ears to prove that they killed people."
Penetrations into the Viet Cong infrastructure was accomplished by blacmailing or terrorizing a member of a targeted individual's family to gathering information. Every Vietnamese 15 over and over had to register and carry identity cards, these records were computerized and eventually it involved into a highly computerized and statistical mens of generating 1800 names a month for the target list, coordinating
the information on suspects from 30,000 plus informants. When the strategic Hamlet Program failed, CIA and military intelligence concentrated on the Phoenix Program, a terror campaign aimed at the civilian population. Instead of winning hearts and minds, using the threat of assassination and a state of terror of defeat the NV. Many non-political Vietnamese were arrested and tortured and in effect forced into the resistance army.
Phoenix Program architect Robert Kromer, after leaving the Pentagon said,"I would have done a lot of thing diffrently and been more cautious about getting us involved."He called the war "a strategic disaster which cost us 57,000 lives and a half trillion dollars."
New Phoenix USA: The Vietnam War was the formative experience for a generation of CIA and military intelligence personnel involved in the Phoenix Program. They viewed the military defeat in Vietnam as a betrayel on the home front, a loss of will by domestic political enemies, not a military failure against a nationalst revolution fought as a guerilla war. The Phoenix Program, assassinating suspected VC sympathizers in a systematic manner, worked well and is the blueprint for the current black op targeting thousands of loyal Americans using state
of the art microwave (MW) and radio frequency radiation (RFR) weapons. The motivation to supress domestic dissidents and to assassinate loyal American opposition stems from the
perception of dissident against the war as treason. This philosophy is stated very clearly in the MindWar paper written by NSA General Aquino.
The DOD has a huge stake in futuristic technology that kills by ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, leaving little or no trace. The indiscriminant killing of the Phoenix Program continues on American soil. The terms 'soft kill', 'slow kill' and 'silent kill' refer to the new way of killing the enemy in conflicts short of war and the small wars of the future.
The counterinsurgency doctrine has now been applies to the home front, so that the perceived betrayal of the military in Vietnam will not be repeated. The generation of CIA and military intelligence led by Shackley, Helms, and Casey have built the perfect beast, using selective
assassination that leaves no trace. The ability to cull the human herd with Silent Kill technology allows a few personalities to remake the entire society in their own image. Extermely Low Frequency (ELF) technology kills with ionizing and non-ionizing radiation or slowly drives the target crazy with silent sound,similar to CIA MKULTRA
(and Project BlueBeam) psychiatrist Ewen Camerons psychic driving technique used to break down the targets personality. The new buzzwords at the Pentagon are silent kill, synthetic telepathy and psychotronics. Another means of attack on targets is the Smirnov patent that uses subliminal suggestion to manipulate human behavior. This patent was purchased by the remote viewing company Psi Tech Corporation. Military intelligence officers involved in developing these "non-lethal weapons" also control Psi Tech. Emotional manipulation is accomplished using Dr.
Michael Persinger's work to remotely project emotional states that the brain entrains or locks onto and emulates. One can broadcast rage or fear at an individual target to manipulate and control them. As if these methods were not enough to torture and murder people, add to
this nightmarish toolbox, active gang stalking. CIA created cults and other cause-oriented groups are used to induce forther trauma in the target by actively harassing them in public in a neutralization technique described in counterintelligence operations manuals that are
aimed at enemy agents. In the race to develop a new weapon system it has always been necessary to test it on human beings. Perfecting the latest weapons designed to kill slowly and silently as well as perfecting the process of controlling the human mind are no diffrent. Once the weaponry
has been perfected on these few thousands people the same techniques will be applied en mass to the general population, and the to humanity as a whole. It is probable that the detention and debriefing of the heads of the DIA, NSA, INSCOM, and CIA (Maples, Alexander, Lacquement, Hayden) and their replacement with civilian reformers will end the current war crimes.
Behavior Modification:
Col. John B. Alexander stated in an interview with the Washington Post in 2007,... The military and intelligence agencies were still scared by the excesses of MK-ULTRA,the infamous CIA program that involved, in part, slipping LSD to unsuspecting victims."Until recently, anything that smacked of [mind control] was extermely dangerous" because Congress would simply take the money away, he said. Alexander acknowledged that "there were some abuses that took place," but added that on the whole,"I would argue we threw the baby out with the bathwater."But september 11, 2001, changed the mood in Washington, and some in the national security community are again expressing interest in mind control, particularly a younger
generation of officials who weren't around for MK-ULTRA."It's interesting, that it's coming back,"Alexander observed. While Alexander scoffs at the notion that he is somehow part of an elaborate plot to control people's minds, he acknowledges support for learning how to tap into a potential enemy's brain. He gives as an example the possible use of functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI, for lie detection."Brain mapping" with fMRI theoreticalloy could allow interrogators to know when someone is lying by watching for activity in particular parts of the brain. For interrogating terrorists, fMRI could come in handy.
Alexander also is intrigued by the possibility of using electronic means to
modify behavior. The dilemma of the war on terrorism, he notes, is that it
never ends, So what do you do with enemies, such as those at Guantanamo: keep them there forever? That's impractical. Behavior modification could be an alternative, he says."Maybe i can fix you, or electronically neuter you, so it's safe to release you into society, so you won't come back and kill me," Alexander says. It's only a matter of time before technology allows that scenario to come true, he continues. "We're now getting to where we can do that.""Where does that fall in the ethics spectrum? That's a really tough question."
I will publish one chapter at a time.. Leave thoughts as comments..
List of Famous Freemasons
US-PRESIDENTS: George Washington, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, James Polk, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, James Garfield, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Warren G. Harding, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson, Gerald R. Ford, Gerald Ford.
POLITICAL LEADERS/ROYALTY WORLD WIDE: Winston Churchill, Simon Bolivar, Edmund Burke, Benito Juarez, Edward VII, George VI, Bernardo O'Higgins, José de San Martin, Francisco de Paula Santander, José Rizal, José Marti, Pandit Nehru, Lajos Kossuth, Jonas Furrer, Guiseppe Mazzini, Eduard Benes, John A. MacDonald, Aaron Burr, George McGovern, Barry Goldwater, Estes Kefauer, Thomas E. Dewey, Alf Landon, Hubert H. Humphrey, Wendel Wilke, W.E.B. DuBois, William Jennings Bryant, King Hussein of Jordan, Yasser Arafat, Francois Mitterand, Helmut Kohl, Gerhard Shroeder, Tony Blair, Yikzak Rabin, Cecil Rhodes, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Stephen F. Austin, John G. Diefenbaker, Samuel J. Ervin Jr. (Watergate committee), Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Patrick Henry, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sam Nunn, Lowell Thomas (brought Lawrence of Arabia to pub. not.), Gov. George C. Wallace, Strom Thurman, Jesse Helms, Robert Dole, Jack Kemp, Al Gore, Prince Phillip (GB), Zbigniew Brzezinski, Lord Peter Carrington, Andrew Carnegie, W. Averell Harriman, Henry Kissinger, Richard D. Heideman, Robert McNamara, Augustín I of Mexico, Sir John J.C. Abbott (Canadian politician), Sherman Adams (Governor of New Hampshire and US Congressman), Emilio Aguinaldo (president Philippines), Ira Allen (known as the 'Father of Vermont', he played a significant role in the acceptance of Vermont as a State and then gave land to help found the University of Vermont), Dennis Archer (Mayor of Detroit, Michigan), Salvador Allende, Omar Bongo (president of Gabon)
MILITARY LEADERS: Omar Bradley, John J. Pershing, Douglas McArthur, General Winfield Scott, Captain Eddie Rickenbacker, Jimmy Doolittle, General Mark Clarkem General George C. Marshall, General Henry "Hap" Arnold, John Paul Jones, Afred von Tirpitz (submarine warfare), Robert Anderson (Major General U.S. Army who was in command of Fort Sumter at time of Confederate attack. Known as "Hero Of Fort Sumter"), Lewis A. Armistad, Benedict Arnold, Eugene A. Barham,
ARTISTS AND ENTERTAINERS: W.A. Mozart, Leopold Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Jean Sibelius, Franz Liszt, Josef Haydn, Irving Berlin, Gutzon Borglum, Charles Peale, Alfons M. Mucha, Richard Wagner, John Philip Sousa, Gilbert & Sullivan, George Gershwin, George M. Cohen, Count Basie, Louise Armstrong, Nat King Cole, Giacomo Meyerbeer, Sigmund Romberg, John Wayne, Red Skelton, Clarke Gable, W.C. Fields, Will Rogers, Burl Ives, Roy Rogers, Danny Thomas, Ernest Borgnine, Oliver Hardy, Tom Mix, Audie Murphy, Gene Autry, Wallace Beery, Eddie Cantor, Roy Clarke, George M. Cohan, Walt Disney, Duke Ellington, Douglas Fairbanks, Leonardo da Vinci, Arthur Godfrey, Bob Hope, Harry Houdini, Al Jolson, Elmo Lincoln (Tarzan), Harold C. Lloyd,.jr, Tom Mix, Ronald Reagan, Will Rogers, Peter Sellers, William Shakespeare, Charles "Tom Thumb" Stratton, Paul Whiteman (King of Jazz), William Wyler (dir. of Ben Hur), Cecil B. DeMille, Sir Arthur Sullivan, John Zoffany, Brad Anderson (creator Marmaduke),
MOVIE INDUSTRY: Jack Warner, Louise B. Mayer (MGM), Darryl F. Zanuck (20th Century Fox)
INDUSTRY, TRADE, BANKING AND LABOR: Henry Ford, Samuel Gompers, Walter P. Chrysler, John Wanamaker, S.S. Kresge, J.C. Penney, John Jacob Astor, John L. Lewis, Pehr G. Gyllenhammar (Volvo), Percy Barnevik (ABB), André Citroën, Samuel Colt (Colt revolver), Edwin L. Drake (oil), Rockefeller family, Rothschild family, King C. Gillette (Razors), Charles C. Hilton (Hilton hotels), Sir Thomas Lipton (Tea), Harry S. New (Airmail), Ransom E. Olds (Oldsmobile), David Sarnoff (father of TV), John W. Teets, Dave Thomas (Wendy's Rest.), Edgar Bronfman Jr. (Seagram Whiskey), Rich DeVos (Amway), Alan Greenspan (Fed. Reserve), Giovanni Agnelli (FIAT), Peter Wallenberg (SE-Bank Sweden)
ADVENTURERS: Lewis & Clarke, Charles A. Lindbergh, Kit Carson, Roald Amundsen, Admiral Richard Byrd, Commodore Robert Peary, Kit Carson, Casanova, William "Buffalo Bill" Cody, Davy Crockett, Meriwether Lewis, Robert E. Peary (Northpole)
PHILOSOPHERS: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Gotthold E. Lessing, Voltaire
ASTRONAUTS: Buzz Aldrin, Leroy Gordon Cooper, Donn Eisele, Virgil I. Grissom, Edgar D. Mitchell, Walter Schirra Jr., Thomas P. Stafford, Paul Weitz, James Irvin, John Glenn
WRITERS: Mark Twain, Sir Walter Scott, Rudyard Kipling, Robert Burns, Wassily I. Maikow, Heinrich Heine, Jean P.C. de Florian, Leopoldo Lugoner, Antonio de Castro Alves, James Boswell, Alexander Pushkin, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Jonathan Swift, Oscar Wilde, Jules Verne, H.G. Wells (1984), Robert Burns, Carlo Collodi (Pinoccio), Edward Gibbon, Francis Scott Key (US NAtional Anthem), Rudyard Kipling, Felix Salten (Bambi), Lewis Wallace (Ben Hur), Alexander Pope, Laurence Gardner
MEDICINE: Alexander Fleming (Penicillin), Jules Bordet, Antoine DePage, Edward Jenner, Charles & William Mayo, Karl & William Menninger, Karl A. Menninger (psychiatrist), Andrew T. Still (Osteopathy)
SCIENCE: Carl Sagan, Hans C. Orsted, J.J Frk. von Berzelius, Alfred Edmund Brehms, Luther Burbank, Johan Ernst Gunnerus, Albert Abraham Michelson (measured speed of light), Gaspard Monge, C.F.S. Hahnemann, Pedro N. Arata, Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, Jame Smithson, John Fitch (Steamboats), Joseph Ignance Guillotin (inventor of the Guillotin), Edward Jenner (vaccin), Simon Lake (submarine), Franz Anton Mesmer (Hypnotism), Albert Einstein, A.J. Sax (saxophone), Sir Edward Victor Appleton, Joseph E. Bailey,
LAW: Henry Baldwin, Hugo L. Black, John Blair Jr., Samuel Blatchford, Harold H. Burton, James F. Byrnes, John Catton, Thomas C. Clarke, John H. Clarke, William Cushing, Willis van Devanter, William O. Douglas, Oliver Ellsworth, Stephen J. Field, John M. Harlan, RObert H. Jackson, Joseph E. Lamar, Thurgood Marshall, Stanley Matthews, Sherman Minton, Tom Mix, William H. Moody, Samuel Nelson, William Paterson, Mahlon Pitney, Stanley F. Reed, Wiley B. Rutledge, Potter Stewart, Noah H. Swayne, Thomas Todd, Robert Trimble, Frederick M. Vinson, Earl Warren, Levi Woodbury, William B. Woods
OTHERS: Frederic A. Bartholdi (designed the Staue of Liberty), Daniel Carter Beard (founder of Boy Scouts), Cornelius Hedges (Yellowstone Nat.Park), James Hoban (architect U.S Captial), James Naismith (basketball), Paul Revere (famous American), Rupert Murdoch (media mogul)
EDUCATION: Robert E.B. Baylor, Leland Stanford (Railroads & Stanford University)
RELIGIOUS LEADERS: Father Francisco Calvo (Jesuit Cat. Priest), Geoffrey Fisher (Canterbury), Billy Graham, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Joseph Fort Newton, Robert Shuller, Oral Roberts, Louise Farrahkan (Nation of Islam), G. Bromley Oxman (friend of Billy Graham), Joseph Smith (Mormon cult), Hyrum Smith (Brother), Brigham Young (2nd leader of Mormon cult), Sidney Rigdon (early Mormon), Heber C. Kimball, Spencer Kimball, Aleister Crowley (Satanist), Gerald B. Gardner (Wiccan), Wynn Westcott (Golden Dawn)
(Funny, because religous leaders (christians) CANNOT be freemasons!)
ORGANIZATIONS: Jean Henry Dunant (Red Cross), Melvin Jones (Lions Int.), Giuseppe Mazzini (Italian Illuminati/MAFIA leader), Albert Pike (Ku Klux Klan)
INTELLIGENCE: J. Edgar Hoover, William Casey, George H.W. Bush (former head c.i.a)
Some links to more names and lists; list 1 and list 2 and list 3 and list 4
List will be updated regularly
POLITICAL LEADERS/ROYALTY WORLD WIDE: Winston Churchill, Simon Bolivar, Edmund Burke, Benito Juarez, Edward VII, George VI, Bernardo O'Higgins, José de San Martin, Francisco de Paula Santander, José Rizal, José Marti, Pandit Nehru, Lajos Kossuth, Jonas Furrer, Guiseppe Mazzini, Eduard Benes, John A. MacDonald, Aaron Burr, George McGovern, Barry Goldwater, Estes Kefauer, Thomas E. Dewey, Alf Landon, Hubert H. Humphrey, Wendel Wilke, W.E.B. DuBois, William Jennings Bryant, King Hussein of Jordan, Yasser Arafat, Francois Mitterand, Helmut Kohl, Gerhard Shroeder, Tony Blair, Yikzak Rabin, Cecil Rhodes, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Stephen F. Austin, John G. Diefenbaker, Samuel J. Ervin Jr. (Watergate committee), Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Patrick Henry, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sam Nunn, Lowell Thomas (brought Lawrence of Arabia to pub. not.), Gov. George C. Wallace, Strom Thurman, Jesse Helms, Robert Dole, Jack Kemp, Al Gore, Prince Phillip (GB), Zbigniew Brzezinski, Lord Peter Carrington, Andrew Carnegie, W. Averell Harriman, Henry Kissinger, Richard D. Heideman, Robert McNamara, Augustín I of Mexico, Sir John J.C. Abbott (Canadian politician), Sherman Adams (Governor of New Hampshire and US Congressman), Emilio Aguinaldo (president Philippines), Ira Allen (known as the 'Father of Vermont', he played a significant role in the acceptance of Vermont as a State and then gave land to help found the University of Vermont), Dennis Archer (Mayor of Detroit, Michigan), Salvador Allende, Omar Bongo (president of Gabon)
MILITARY LEADERS: Omar Bradley, John J. Pershing, Douglas McArthur, General Winfield Scott, Captain Eddie Rickenbacker, Jimmy Doolittle, General Mark Clarkem General George C. Marshall, General Henry "Hap" Arnold, John Paul Jones, Afred von Tirpitz (submarine warfare), Robert Anderson (Major General U.S. Army who was in command of Fort Sumter at time of Confederate attack. Known as "Hero Of Fort Sumter"), Lewis A. Armistad, Benedict Arnold, Eugene A. Barham,
ARTISTS AND ENTERTAINERS: W.A. Mozart, Leopold Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Jean Sibelius, Franz Liszt, Josef Haydn, Irving Berlin, Gutzon Borglum, Charles Peale, Alfons M. Mucha, Richard Wagner, John Philip Sousa, Gilbert & Sullivan, George Gershwin, George M. Cohen, Count Basie, Louise Armstrong, Nat King Cole, Giacomo Meyerbeer, Sigmund Romberg, John Wayne, Red Skelton, Clarke Gable, W.C. Fields, Will Rogers, Burl Ives, Roy Rogers, Danny Thomas, Ernest Borgnine, Oliver Hardy, Tom Mix, Audie Murphy, Gene Autry, Wallace Beery, Eddie Cantor, Roy Clarke, George M. Cohan, Walt Disney, Duke Ellington, Douglas Fairbanks, Leonardo da Vinci, Arthur Godfrey, Bob Hope, Harry Houdini, Al Jolson, Elmo Lincoln (Tarzan), Harold C. Lloyd,.jr, Tom Mix, Ronald Reagan, Will Rogers, Peter Sellers, William Shakespeare, Charles "Tom Thumb" Stratton, Paul Whiteman (King of Jazz), William Wyler (dir. of Ben Hur), Cecil B. DeMille, Sir Arthur Sullivan, John Zoffany, Brad Anderson (creator Marmaduke),
MOVIE INDUSTRY: Jack Warner, Louise B. Mayer (MGM), Darryl F. Zanuck (20th Century Fox)
INDUSTRY, TRADE, BANKING AND LABOR: Henry Ford, Samuel Gompers, Walter P. Chrysler, John Wanamaker, S.S. Kresge, J.C. Penney, John Jacob Astor, John L. Lewis, Pehr G. Gyllenhammar (Volvo), Percy Barnevik (ABB), André Citroën, Samuel Colt (Colt revolver), Edwin L. Drake (oil), Rockefeller family, Rothschild family, King C. Gillette (Razors), Charles C. Hilton (Hilton hotels), Sir Thomas Lipton (Tea), Harry S. New (Airmail), Ransom E. Olds (Oldsmobile), David Sarnoff (father of TV), John W. Teets, Dave Thomas (Wendy's Rest.), Edgar Bronfman Jr. (Seagram Whiskey), Rich DeVos (Amway), Alan Greenspan (Fed. Reserve), Giovanni Agnelli (FIAT), Peter Wallenberg (SE-Bank Sweden)
ADVENTURERS: Lewis & Clarke, Charles A. Lindbergh, Kit Carson, Roald Amundsen, Admiral Richard Byrd, Commodore Robert Peary, Kit Carson, Casanova, William "Buffalo Bill" Cody, Davy Crockett, Meriwether Lewis, Robert E. Peary (Northpole)
PHILOSOPHERS: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Gotthold E. Lessing, Voltaire
ASTRONAUTS: Buzz Aldrin, Leroy Gordon Cooper, Donn Eisele, Virgil I. Grissom, Edgar D. Mitchell, Walter Schirra Jr., Thomas P. Stafford, Paul Weitz, James Irvin, John Glenn
WRITERS: Mark Twain, Sir Walter Scott, Rudyard Kipling, Robert Burns, Wassily I. Maikow, Heinrich Heine, Jean P.C. de Florian, Leopoldo Lugoner, Antonio de Castro Alves, James Boswell, Alexander Pushkin, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Jonathan Swift, Oscar Wilde, Jules Verne, H.G. Wells (1984), Robert Burns, Carlo Collodi (Pinoccio), Edward Gibbon, Francis Scott Key (US NAtional Anthem), Rudyard Kipling, Felix Salten (Bambi), Lewis Wallace (Ben Hur), Alexander Pope, Laurence Gardner
MEDICINE: Alexander Fleming (Penicillin), Jules Bordet, Antoine DePage, Edward Jenner, Charles & William Mayo, Karl & William Menninger, Karl A. Menninger (psychiatrist), Andrew T. Still (Osteopathy)
SCIENCE: Carl Sagan, Hans C. Orsted, J.J Frk. von Berzelius, Alfred Edmund Brehms, Luther Burbank, Johan Ernst Gunnerus, Albert Abraham Michelson (measured speed of light), Gaspard Monge, C.F.S. Hahnemann, Pedro N. Arata, Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, Jame Smithson, John Fitch (Steamboats), Joseph Ignance Guillotin (inventor of the Guillotin), Edward Jenner (vaccin), Simon Lake (submarine), Franz Anton Mesmer (Hypnotism), Albert Einstein, A.J. Sax (saxophone), Sir Edward Victor Appleton, Joseph E. Bailey,
LAW: Henry Baldwin, Hugo L. Black, John Blair Jr., Samuel Blatchford, Harold H. Burton, James F. Byrnes, John Catton, Thomas C. Clarke, John H. Clarke, William Cushing, Willis van Devanter, William O. Douglas, Oliver Ellsworth, Stephen J. Field, John M. Harlan, RObert H. Jackson, Joseph E. Lamar, Thurgood Marshall, Stanley Matthews, Sherman Minton, Tom Mix, William H. Moody, Samuel Nelson, William Paterson, Mahlon Pitney, Stanley F. Reed, Wiley B. Rutledge, Potter Stewart, Noah H. Swayne, Thomas Todd, Robert Trimble, Frederick M. Vinson, Earl Warren, Levi Woodbury, William B. Woods
OTHERS: Frederic A. Bartholdi (designed the Staue of Liberty), Daniel Carter Beard (founder of Boy Scouts), Cornelius Hedges (Yellowstone Nat.Park), James Hoban (architect U.S Captial), James Naismith (basketball), Paul Revere (famous American), Rupert Murdoch (media mogul)
EDUCATION: Robert E.B. Baylor, Leland Stanford (Railroads & Stanford University)
RELIGIOUS LEADERS: Father Francisco Calvo (Jesuit Cat. Priest), Geoffrey Fisher (Canterbury), Billy Graham, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Joseph Fort Newton, Robert Shuller, Oral Roberts, Louise Farrahkan (Nation of Islam), G. Bromley Oxman (friend of Billy Graham), Joseph Smith (Mormon cult), Hyrum Smith (Brother), Brigham Young (2nd leader of Mormon cult), Sidney Rigdon (early Mormon), Heber C. Kimball, Spencer Kimball, Aleister Crowley (Satanist), Gerald B. Gardner (Wiccan), Wynn Westcott (Golden Dawn)
(Funny, because religous leaders (christians) CANNOT be freemasons!)
ORGANIZATIONS: Jean Henry Dunant (Red Cross), Melvin Jones (Lions Int.), Giuseppe Mazzini (Italian Illuminati/MAFIA leader), Albert Pike (Ku Klux Klan)
INTELLIGENCE: J. Edgar Hoover, William Casey, George H.W. Bush (former head c.i.a)
Some links to more names and lists; list 1 and list 2 and list 3 and list 4
List will be updated regularly
Vandaag om half acht op het nieuws werd gezegd "Google steelt uw gegevens, die streetview-auto's deden meer dan alleen foto's maken aldus Roelof Hemmen van het RTL Nieuws.
"Dingen als wachtwoorden zijn verzameld door Google, als Google dit kan, kan een ander het ook."
Wat verdere info;
"Google heeft tijdens het in kaart brengen van draadloze netwerken voor Streetview wachtwoorden, URLs en zelfs complete e-mails onderschept, zo laat de zoekgigant in een blogposting weten. Toen het bedrijf in mei opbiechtte dat er privégegevens van onbeveiligde WiFi-netwerken waren verzameld, zou nog niemand de data hebben geanalyseerd. Inmiddels hebben verschillende externe toezichthouders de opgeslagen informatie onderzocht, waarvan zeven onderzoeken nu zijn afgelopen.
"Vanuit die onderzoeken is duidelijk dat het voornamelijk om gefragmenteerde data gaat, maar in sommige gevallen complete e-mails en URLs zijn onderschept, alsmede wachtwoorden. We willen deze data zo snel als mogelijk verwijderen, en ik wil voor het feit dat we het in de eerste plaats hebben verzameld excuses aanbieden", zegt Alan Eustace, Senior Vice President Engineering & Research.
Inmiddels heeft Google aanpassingen aangekondigd om de "interne privacy en security practices" te verbeteren, waar uiteindelijk alle gebruikers van zouden moeten profiteren. Het gaat dan om het aanbrengen van 'privacy controls', trainen van personeel en compliance."
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3
Source 4
"Dingen als wachtwoorden zijn verzameld door Google, als Google dit kan, kan een ander het ook."
Wat verdere info;
"Google heeft tijdens het in kaart brengen van draadloze netwerken voor Streetview wachtwoorden, URLs en zelfs complete e-mails onderschept, zo laat de zoekgigant in een blogposting weten. Toen het bedrijf in mei opbiechtte dat er privégegevens van onbeveiligde WiFi-netwerken waren verzameld, zou nog niemand de data hebben geanalyseerd. Inmiddels hebben verschillende externe toezichthouders de opgeslagen informatie onderzocht, waarvan zeven onderzoeken nu zijn afgelopen.
"Vanuit die onderzoeken is duidelijk dat het voornamelijk om gefragmenteerde data gaat, maar in sommige gevallen complete e-mails en URLs zijn onderschept, alsmede wachtwoorden. We willen deze data zo snel als mogelijk verwijderen, en ik wil voor het feit dat we het in de eerste plaats hebben verzameld excuses aanbieden", zegt Alan Eustace, Senior Vice President Engineering & Research.
Inmiddels heeft Google aanpassingen aangekondigd om de "interne privacy en security practices" te verbeteren, waar uiteindelijk alle gebruikers van zouden moeten profiteren. Het gaat dan om het aanbrengen van 'privacy controls', trainen van personeel en compliance."
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3
Source 4
Justin Bieber Occult Symbolism???
Friday, April 8, 2011
Arnold Schwarzenegger/Adolf Eichmann
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Kanye West's Blasphemy
Kanye pretending to be Jesus..
Kanye's Baphomet t-shirt..
Kanye's Ring.. LOOK IT UP
Woman from Kanye's video "Power" dressed as baphomet
Kanye's Masonic emblem, below;
'GOD' or so the masons claim.. Horus=God? Or Kanye himself? since he is also standing in the 'G'..
The all-seeing-eye of the emblem is above the 'G' (circle) and in this all-seeing-eye-circle is the Halo, making it holy..
Kanye West Tweets;
"Is illuminati and devil worshipping like the same thing ... do they have a social network that celebs can sign up for?"
"Question... can you devil worship on the new iphone??? LOL!!!"
"What's better for devil worshipping Iphone or the Droid... Does lucifer return text... is he or she on Skype? Don't wanna be sexist."
Come on Kanye?!
Version 2, notice the halo's above Kanye's head..
Leave thoughts as comments..
Quote; John Rarick, Former Congressman
"The Council on Foreign Relations is "the establishment." Not only does it have influence and power in key decision-making positions at the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also announces and uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high level decisions for converting the U.S. from a sovereign Constitutional Republic into a servile member state of a one-world dictatorship." -Former Congressman John Rarick 1971
LeBron James Exposed?
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