Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Quote; H.G Wells
"The New Deal is plainly an attempt to achieve a working socialism and avert a social collapse in America; it is extraordinarily parallel to the successive 'policies' and 'Plans' of the Russian experiment. Americans shirk the word 'socialism', but what else can one call it?"
-H.G. Wells (The New World Order 1939)
'Drinkwatertarieven kunstmatig hoog'

De belangenorganisatie vindt dat de overheid niet kritisch genoeg is met het toezicht op de drinkwaterbedrijven en roept het parlement op hier zijn controlerende taak op zich te nemen.
,,De drinkwaterbedrijven lopen in hun bedrijfsvoering als monopolisten nauwelijks risico's'', zegt directeur Hans Grünfeld van VEMW. ,,Hun investeringen zijn al jaren historisch laag.'' De bedrijven hadden in 2010 een eigen vermogen van 1,8 miljard euro. Zij vergaarden dat uit de winsten die ze mogen maken van de overheid, aldus de organisatie.
,,Industrie en organisaties die veel drinkwater gebruiken hebben het nakijken. Maar ook de consument betaalt te veel voor zijn drinkwater. Dit is al jaren bekend, maar de overheid doet er tot nu toe niks aan.''
En ik blijf het zeggen;
Monday, August 29, 2011
Rumsfeld & Directed Energy Weaponry (Microwave Weapons etc.)
I talked about this not too long ago in my New Phoenix Program section...
Funny i came across one of those videos.
Amerikanen willen kerncentrale op de maan / The U.S wants power-plant on moon
"Waarom alleen maar kerncentrales bouwen op aarde als je ze ook op de maan of op Mars kunt neerzetten? Dat is althans wat onderzoekers van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Energie en de NASA voorstellen. Volgend jaar willen ze een eerste modelcentrale presenteren.
Dat schrijft wetenschapssite psych.org. De buitenaardse centrale moet gebruik maken van kernsplijting en zal vele malen kleiner zijn dan de centrales die op aarde worden gebruikt. “Mensen zouden deze splijtingscentrale nooit herkenen als een kerncentrale”, aldus projectleider James E. Werner. De reactor heeft geen koeltoren nodig en wordt maar een halve meter bij zeventig centimeter groot en heeft daarmee de afmetingen van een koffer.
Het voordeel van een splijtingscentrale is dat er geen zonlicht voor nodig is. Dat maakt de techniek bij uitstek geschikt voor een buitenaardse omgeving als de maan of Mars. Zo’n centrale kan ten minste 40 kilowatt aan energie leveren: op aarde genoeg om acht woningen van energie te voorzien en op de maan voldoende om een bemande of onbemande ruimtebasis draaiende te houden.
“Kernenergie kan in potentie overal in ons zonnestelsel worden gebruikt. De techniek is volwassen, betaalbaar en veilig”, aldus Werner."
Zo zie je maar dat er toch wel degelijk predictive programming plaats vind in films, want wat hierboven wordt beschreven is een scenario van een niet al te bekende maar wel een degelijke film genaamd Moon.
"Why just build nuclear plants on Earth when you can also place them on the moon or on Mars? At least that is what researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy and NASA proposed. Next year they want to present the first model.
That is what psych.org writes. The alien plant must use nuclear fusion and is many times smaller than the plants that are used on Earth. "People would not recognize this splitting-plant as a nuclear plant" so said projectleader James E. Werner. The reactor does not need a cooling-tower, and is going to be half a meter (1.64 feet) by 70 centimers (2.3 feet) tall and has the size of a suitcase.
The advantage of a fusion power plant is that there is no need for sunlight. This makes the technique ideal for an alien environment like the moon or Mars. Such a plant can supply at least 40 kilowatts of energy: enough to provide energy for eight houses on Earth, and on the moon sufficient for a manned or unmanned base.
"Nuclear energy has the potential to be used anywhere in our solar system. The technology is mature, affordable and safe, "said Werner."
So as you can see, there is indeed predictive programming going on in movies! The above is a scenario playing on in the movie Moon, with the brilliantly acting Sam Rockwell.

Het voordeel van een splijtingscentrale is dat er geen zonlicht voor nodig is. Dat maakt de techniek bij uitstek geschikt voor een buitenaardse omgeving als de maan of Mars. Zo’n centrale kan ten minste 40 kilowatt aan energie leveren: op aarde genoeg om acht woningen van energie te voorzien en op de maan voldoende om een bemande of onbemande ruimtebasis draaiende te houden.
“Kernenergie kan in potentie overal in ons zonnestelsel worden gebruikt. De techniek is volwassen, betaalbaar en veilig”, aldus Werner."
Zo zie je maar dat er toch wel degelijk predictive programming plaats vind in films, want wat hierboven wordt beschreven is een scenario van een niet al te bekende maar wel een degelijke film genaamd Moon.
"Why just build nuclear plants on Earth when you can also place them on the moon or on Mars? At least that is what researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy and NASA proposed. Next year they want to present the first model.
That is what psych.org writes. The alien plant must use nuclear fusion and is many times smaller than the plants that are used on Earth. "People would not recognize this splitting-plant as a nuclear plant" so said projectleader James E. Werner. The reactor does not need a cooling-tower, and is going to be half a meter (1.64 feet) by 70 centimers (2.3 feet) tall and has the size of a suitcase.
The advantage of a fusion power plant is that there is no need for sunlight. This makes the technique ideal for an alien environment like the moon or Mars. Such a plant can supply at least 40 kilowatts of energy: enough to provide energy for eight houses on Earth, and on the moon sufficient for a manned or unmanned base.
"Nuclear energy has the potential to be used anywhere in our solar system. The technology is mature, affordable and safe, "said Werner."
So as you can see, there is indeed predictive programming going on in movies! The above is a scenario playing on in the movie Moon, with the brilliantly acting Sam Rockwell.
Bij een afschuwelijk overheidsexperiment zijn letterlijk gaten in hoofden van Amerikaanse kinderen gebrand.
Bij een afschuwelijk overheidsexperiment zijn letterlijk gaten in hoofden van Amerikaanse kinderen gebrand.
Om de video te bekijken, klik hier.
Om de video te bekijken, klik hier.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Quote; Bill Clinton
"Rarely have Americans lived through so much change, in so many ways, in so short a time. Quietly, but with gathering force, the ground has shifted beneath our feet as we have moved into an Information Age, a global economy, a truly new world."
-President William Clinton State of the Union Address 1998
Freemasonic/Illuminati Ritual at Ground Zero?
Looks like an all-eeing-eye doesn't it?
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Saturday, August 27, 2011
Pirates of the Caribean; On Stranger Tides Subliminal
Ben Bernanke doesn't want QE3. For now
RT: Looting Libya; Who is first for oil?
That is what this was all about.. Oil
Remember what General Wesley Clark said?
Synagogue of Satan; Censorship of Google and Youtube..
Kanye West & Jay z’s Illuminati Album Promotion
If you thought Kan-Jay were going to tone down their agenda, think again. Now they are so blunt to promote Illuminati BS before our eyes. WTF is wrong with Kanye West to do a complete 180 on his personality? I am so done with Kanye's butt kissing to Jay-Z and Beyoncé it's ridiculous. This is creepy and downright scary that people are still not waking up to the BS!
Here is a video to explain the transformation of Kanye:
Here is a new song called 'No Church in the Wild' off the "The Toilet" album:
'No Church in the Wild' Lyrics:
Human beings in a mob What's a mob to a king? What's a king to a god? What's a god to a non-believer? Who don't believe in anything?
We make it out alive All right, all right No church in the wild
Tears on the mauseoleum floor Blood stains the coliseum doors Lies of the lips of a priest Thanksgiving disguised as a feast Rollin' in the Rolls-Royce Corniche Only the doctors got this, I'm hidin' from police Cocaine seats All white like I got the whole thing bleached Drug dealer chic I'm wonderin' if a dove's prayers reach It's pious Pius, the god loves Pius Socrates asks, "Whose bias do y'all seek?" Or for Plato, the screech I'm out chere ballin', I know you hear my sneaks Jesus was a carpenter, Yeezy, he lay beats Hova flow the Holy Ghost, get the hell up out your seats Preach
Human beings in a mob What's a mob to a king? What's a king to a god? What's a god to a non-believer? Who don't believe in anything?
We make it out alive All right, all right No church in the wild
Let me buy you Desire I stand by you Walk through the fire Your life Is my Scripture And I need it Through your encryption Yeah, yeah
[Kanye West]
Coke on her black skin made a stripe like a zebra I call that jungle fever You will not control the threesome Just roll the weed up until I get me some We formed a new religion No sins as long as there's permission' And deception is the only felony So never fuck nobody wit'out tellin' me Sunglasses and Advil Last night was mad real Sun comin' up, 5 a.m. I wonder if they got cabs still Thinkin' 'bout the girl in all-leopard Who was rubbin' the wood like Kiki Shepard Two tattooes, one read "No Apologies" The other said "Love is cursed by monogamy" That's somethin' that the pastor don't preach That's somethin' that a teacher can't teach When we die, the money we can't keep But we prolly spend it all 'cause the pain ain't cheap Preach
Human beings in a mob What's a mob to a king? What's a king to a god? What's a god to a non-believer? Who don't believe in anything?
We make it out alive All right, all right No church in the wild No church in the wild No church in the wild No church in the wild..
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Documentary; The Illuminati Vol. I
Putin: Who gave NATO right to kill Gaddafi?
This is a video from last april, but it is as much news today as it was then..
And please keep in mind that Obama (U.S) started out with this Libya invasion to begin with! And put the responsibility over to NATO.. cleverly done since most people seem to be forgotten Obama started it all, and even brought the c.i.a to Libya to help rebels out. This was supposed to happen since the beginning, and Gaddafi is going to end up exactely like Sadam Hussein did..
Keep in mind that this is not just about oil.. but about water too (Libya has the second biggest pocket of fresh water in the world, water is being privatized and is profited from, eventhough it is a basic human right; watch Jesse Ventura - Water Conspiracy below)
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And please keep in mind that Obama (U.S) started out with this Libya invasion to begin with! And put the responsibility over to NATO.. cleverly done since most people seem to be forgotten Obama started it all, and even brought the c.i.a to Libya to help rebels out. This was supposed to happen since the beginning, and Gaddafi is going to end up exactely like Sadam Hussein did..
Keep in mind that this is not just about oil.. but about water too (Libya has the second biggest pocket of fresh water in the world, water is being privatized and is profited from, eventhough it is a basic human right; watch Jesse Ventura - Water Conspiracy below)
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Rolling Stones Satanic Sumbliminal?
I am not a big Rock 'n Roll fan, so I haven't seen this previously.. But I find it a bit disturbing..
This is an aptly named album-cover of the 1973 Rolling Stones record "Goats Head Soup";
This is an aptly named album-cover of the 1973 Rolling Stones record "Goats Head Soup";
Is it a subliminal baphomet? Satan (Satan can transform into a goat)?
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Quote; David Rockefeller
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
David Rockefeller Baden-Baden, Germany 1991
David Rockefeller Baden-Baden, Germany 1991
Celebs and the Occult; Hayden Panetierre
Pic of the Day
Illuminati and Advertising; Dance Events
Pyramid with all seeing eye,
The eye seems to be "illuminating",
Those two pillars on the right of the pyramid could either be Boaz and Jachin (which were 2 pillars in the temple of Salomon, and is also included in masonic culture/rituals etc), or can represent 2 obelisks (also embedded in masonic culture/rituals)
Then there is this;

A hand, with on it's palm the all seeing eye..
(have seen this with Lady GaGa too)
Then there is this;
A hand, with on it's palm the all seeing eye..
(have seen this with Lady GaGa too)
And people say "NWO/Illuminati" "just" took over the rap scene.
Guess not!
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Illuminati in Advertising,
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Yes, vaccinations are a CIA plot..
The sickest confirmation of this point was the recent revelation that the CIA ran an operation to verify Osama bin Laden's location by gathering DNA samples through a false-flag hepatitis B vaccination programme. As James Fallows notes, American officials are defending this operation, not denying it.
This is despicable and stupid.
All over the world, poor people resist vaccination campaigns in the belief that they are part of a plot by powerful authorities to take advantage of them. The CIA operation in Pakistan turns these fears from crazy conspiracy theories into accurate and rational beliefs. But what's really tragic is that Pakistan happens to be at the epicenter of a crucial ongoing vaccination programme: the worldwide campaign to eliminate polio, which has been hampered by opposition from Muslim clerics. As it happens, the only countries in the world where polio is still endemic are Nigeria, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, and "persistent pockets of polio transmission in northern India, northern Nigeria and the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan are the current focus of the polio eradication initiative."
Source; Blog of The Economist
This is despicable and stupid.
All over the world, poor people resist vaccination campaigns in the belief that they are part of a plot by powerful authorities to take advantage of them. The CIA operation in Pakistan turns these fears from crazy conspiracy theories into accurate and rational beliefs. But what's really tragic is that Pakistan happens to be at the epicenter of a crucial ongoing vaccination programme: the worldwide campaign to eliminate polio, which has been hampered by opposition from Muslim clerics. As it happens, the only countries in the world where polio is still endemic are Nigeria, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, and "persistent pockets of polio transmission in northern India, northern Nigeria and the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan are the current focus of the polio eradication initiative."
Source; Blog of The Economist
Facebook tracks your every move, employee claims..

Every time you view a profile, look at a picture, send a message or take any other action on Facebook, the company records that action, according to the Facebook employee. At first glance, that sounds like a scary prospect, but the engineer argues that the company does this to deliver a better product. As a result of this tracking, for example, you can get suggestions to reconnect with a Facebook friend.
There used to be a universal password that Facebook employees could use to view any Facebook account, the anonymous employee claims. But the password has since been discontinued, and now Facebook uses a different system where employees must provide a reason in writing for logging into a user’s account. If the employee cannot back up the reason they had for accessing someone’s account, the employee can be fired.
The employee claims that Facebook has all of your messages, deleted or not, stored in a database that any Facebook employee can access. The notion that your Facebook messages are stored in a database is about as stunning a discovery as finding out my laptop has a keyboard.
Then again, if any Facebook employee can just query that database to read your personal messages any time they like, well, that’s a problem. I certainly hope Facebook has better safeguards for personal messages than that.
Source; http://www.macworld.com/article/145646/2010/01/facebook.html
Guess the facebook employee is right!
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Beyoncé and Illuminati Symbolism
Beyoncé @ Billboard Music Awards..
Beyoncé's Dollar-bill Pyramid
Beyoncé with Masonic checkered "wings" performance @ Billboard Music Awards
Beyoncé loving herself some '666'

´666´ sign over 1 eye, makeing a devlish all seeing eye..
All seeing eye.
Beyoncé's Pyramidic all seeing eye..
And another Pyramid and all seeing eye..
Beyoncé dancing in front of a pyramid at the Billboard Music Awards
Beyoncé and her Baphomet (Satan) ring
Beyoncé and Solange doing a Illuminati Pyramid..
Video of Beyoncé performing @ Billboard Music Awards;
The wife of rapper Jay-Z performed in front of a tall screen with video projections of an Illuminati-style pyramid that switched back-and-forth from white to black, the colors of the dualistic motif of the Illuminati and Freemasons, the fraternal secret society that joined with the Bavarian Illuminati in the late 1700s. She also danced in front of a pyramid made from U.S. Dollar bills, which display the Freemasons’ 13-step uncapped pyramid and all-seeing Eye of Horus. Other checkerboard images were used in the projections, such as giant checkered wings, lions, elephants and a hypnotizing spiral reminiscent of MK Ultra brainwashing techniques. She was also duplicated into an army. Is she aiding the New World Order Illuminati by acting as a brainwashing agent? After the performance, Beyonce was awarded the first-ever Millennium Artist Award by her mother Tina Knowles and nephew..
Video of Beyoncé performing @ Billboard Music Awards;
The wife of rapper Jay-Z performed in front of a tall screen with video projections of an Illuminati-style pyramid that switched back-and-forth from white to black, the colors of the dualistic motif of the Illuminati and Freemasons, the fraternal secret society that joined with the Bavarian Illuminati in the late 1700s. She also danced in front of a pyramid made from U.S. Dollar bills, which display the Freemasons’ 13-step uncapped pyramid and all-seeing Eye of Horus. Other checkerboard images were used in the projections, such as giant checkered wings, lions, elephants and a hypnotizing spiral reminiscent of MK Ultra brainwashing techniques. She was also duplicated into an army. Is she aiding the New World Order Illuminati by acting as a brainwashing agent? After the performance, Beyonce was awarded the first-ever Millennium Artist Award by her mother Tina Knowles and nephew..
Devil Horns..
Beyoncé & Baphomet.. Match made in ....?!
Beyoncé covers one eye with her hand, making her 'other' eye, an all seeing eye..
Pyramid earring..
From musicvideo 'Videophone', all seeing eye..
Beyoncé and her 'Skull and Bones' t-shirt..
The Winged Serpent HALO. Satanic Masonic Logo Symbolism.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
B.O.B - The Watchers (IS NOT anti-illuminati)
At first i was like yeah good song, against the illuminati, but when you really listen to what he says, he actually defends the puppets of the industry, he is not talking as if it were wrong, he is defending it, and defending himself..
Monday, August 22, 2011
'Val Gaddafi les voor Arabische leiders'
De aanstaande val van de Libische dictator Muammar Gaddafi is een les voor andere leiders in de regio die de wensen van hun eigen bevolking veronachtzamen. Dat heeft de Turkse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Ahmet Davutoglu gezegd in de Ethiopische hoofdstad Addis Abeba.
Davutoglu zei verder dat hij dinsdag naar Benghazi reist voor gesprekken met de leiders van de Libische rebellen.
''Er is een begin gemaakt met een nieuw tijdperk in Libië'', zei Davutoglu. Het olierijke, Noord-Afrikaanse land zal volgens hem democratisch, vrij en verenigd zijn, een voorbeeld voor andere landen in de Arabische wereld waar dicators nog de dienst uitmaken.
De Turkse minister was eerder zeer kritisch over buurland Syrië, waar het bewind van president Bashar al-Assad al maanden probeert met geweld een opstand te onderdrukken. Turkije, zowel in politiek als in economisch opzicht een opkomende macht in het Midden-Oosten, gold tot dan toe als een belangrijke bondgenoot van Assad.
Davutoglu zei verder dat hij dinsdag naar Benghazi reist voor gesprekken met de leiders van de Libische rebellen.
Jay Rockefeller: Internet Should Have Never Existed
Bush keurde waterboarding persoonlijk goed...
De Amerikaanse oud-president George Bush zegt dat hij persoonlijk toestemming heeft gegeven om drie terreurverdachten te waterboarden. Hij heeft geen spijt.
De Amerikaanse oud-president George Bush zegt dat hij persoonlijk toestemming heeft gegeven om het veronderstelde brein achter de aanslagen van 11 september, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, te martelen met de 'waterboarding' methode. Bush heeft er geen spijt van, want met de gesimuleerde verdrinking van Mohammed en twee andere verdachten kregen de ondervragers informatie los waardoor terroristische aanslagen in Londen konden worden voorkomen."Wij voelden dat hij informatie had over een nieuwe aanslag. Hij zegt 'ik zal met jullie praten als ik mijn advocaat krijg'. Ik zeg: 'welke opties zijn beschikbaar en legaal?'," zo haalde The Times of Londen de woorden van Bush in een interview aan. "Drie mensen werden gewaterboard, en ik ben ervan overtuigd dat door deze beslissing levens zijn gered."
The Times interviewde Bush vanwege de verschijning van diens boek 'Decision points'. Zijn opvolger Barack Obama heeft waterboarden, dat door velen als marteling wordt beschouwd, verboden.
Interesting link(s)
FDR/Pearl Harbor <- Did FDR know in advance?
Who Controls America? <- Federal Reserve, Bush, Economy.
USS Liberty Incident <- One of the first major Cover-Up's!
The Rockefeller Bloodline
Masonic Handshakes etc.
Freemasonic Forum <- For Masons by Masons
Obama and the Federal Reserve Masters
Freemasonic art etc.
Bilderberg Meetings
B'nai B'rith
Who Runs America?
Who Controls America? <- Federal Reserve, Bush, Economy.
USS Liberty Incident <- One of the first major Cover-Up's!
The Rockefeller Bloodline
Masonic Handshakes etc.
Freemasonic Forum <- For Masons by Masons
Obama and the Federal Reserve Masters
Freemasonic art etc.
Bilderberg Meetings
B'nai B'rith
Who Runs America?
Overtuigend bewijs: marteling onder Bush'
NEW YORK - Er is „overweldigend bewijs” voor marteling onder de vorige Amerikaanse president George Bush. Zijn opvolger Barack Obama moet dan ook opdracht geven tot een diepgravend strafrechtelijk onderzoek.
Dit stelt de mensenrechtenorganisatie Human Rights Watch (HRW) in een dinsdag gepubliceerd rapport. De organisatie wijst erop dat de VS volgens de Conventie tegen Marteling verplicht zijn tot strafvervolging over te gaan. Als de VS in gebreke blijven, moeten andere landen die taak op zich nemen volgens het beginsel van de universele jurisdictie, aldus HRW.
Obama beloofde in 2009 aantijgingen van marteling door de Amerikaanse overheid te onderzoeken. Tevens stelde hij functionarissen gerust die slechts instructies hadden opgevolgd. Daar zit hem volgens HRW juist het probleem. Het Witte Huis gaf na de aanslagen van 11 september 2001 juristen de opdracht rechtvaardigingsgronden te zoeken voor de omstreden methodes. Daarom horen volgens HRW ook de juridische 'architecten' van de martelprogramma's zoals Alberto Gonzales voor de rechter te komen. Die noemde tijdens de oprichting van kamp Guantanamo Bay de Geneefse Conventies over de behandeling van krijgsgevangenen 'achterhaald'.
„President Obama heeft marteling behandeld als een ongelukkige beleidsbeslissing in plaats van als een misdaad”, aldus HRW.

HRW hekelt dat Bush, zijn plaatsvervanger Dick Cheney, minister van Defensie Donald Rumsfeld en CIA-directeur George Tenet ondervragingstechnieken als 'waterboarding' hebben goedgekeurd. De verdachte krijgt daarbij het gevoel dat hij verdrinkt. Ook liet het Bushbewind mensen opsluiten in geheime gevangenissen en werden terreurverdachten overgedragen aan landen als Egypte en Syrië, waar zij gevaar liepen te worden gemarteld.
Obama beloofde in 2009 aantijgingen van marteling door de Amerikaanse overheid te onderzoeken. Tevens stelde hij functionarissen gerust die slechts instructies hadden opgevolgd. Daar zit hem volgens HRW juist het probleem. Het Witte Huis gaf na de aanslagen van 11 september 2001 juristen de opdracht rechtvaardigingsgronden te zoeken voor de omstreden methodes. Daarom horen volgens HRW ook de juridische 'architecten' van de martelprogramma's zoals Alberto Gonzales voor de rechter te komen. Die noemde tijdens de oprichting van kamp Guantanamo Bay de Geneefse Conventies over de behandeling van krijgsgevangenen 'achterhaald'.
„President Obama heeft marteling behandeld als een ongelukkige beleidsbeslissing in plaats van als een misdaad”, aldus HRW.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Prediction; Gaddafi
Looks like i am going to be right after all.. Gaddafi has fled his base... A while ago i "predicted" (see-> tag; Word From Me) both privately and on this blog that Gaddafi 'will be next', and since we are closing in on September 11th ór November 11 (11-11-11).. I think there might be a chance that this date will be chosen as the date that will go into history as the date that "They Got Him" (Gaddafi).. We will find out soon, but keep this what i said above in mind..
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Én we zijn weer een stapje dichter bij de NWO..
Er kwam mij deze avond een bericht ter oge die ik eigenlijk al een stuk eerder had verwacht, maar eigenlijk is de timing perfect.. De euro staat op instorten (goh, alsof het geescenseerd is?!) en den hoge heren van de wereld/euro politiek "bedenken" een plan van aanpak; Een Euro-regering.. Toch weer een stapje dichter bij den NWO.. Dag vrijheden, dag eigen gedachtes, dag centjes (Jan Modaal), dag vrijheid van meningsuiting...
Waar gaat het toch heen met deze wereld?!...
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Friday, August 12, 2011
Youtube Advertising Subliminal
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
General Wesley Clark Tells 'Democracy Now' The Truth About Middle East And War On Iraq!
He is right! It is reality today.. Libya etc.. The whole middle east is in uproar due to U.S intervention! Barack Obama started with Libya (which ofcourse is forgotten because he send in NATO), conviently "killed" Bin Laden, got rid of Mubarak.. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?
BTW, it reminds me of a George W. Bush quote;
"You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror."
George W. Bush — CBS News interview, 9/6/06
Monday, August 8, 2011
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