„Radiografisch bestuurde vliegtuigen, inclusief Amerikaanse, vielen het konvooi van Kaddafi aan”, zei Poetin. „Daarna gebruikten elitetroepen de radio om de zogenaamde leden van de oppositie en guerrillastrijders te laten komen.” De premier stelde dat Kaddafi daarna zonder enige vorm van proces werd omgebracht.
Bron: Telegraaf.nl

RUSSIA - American elite-troops were involved in the killing of Bliyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in October this year. Russian prime-minister Vladimir Putin has said this last Thursday.
Radiographic controlled airplanes, including American planes, attacked the convoy of Gaddafi, said Putin. After that elite-troops used the radio to call up on the 'so-called members' of the opposition and guerilla-warriors. The prime-minister has said that after that Gaddafi was killed without any form of a trial.
For more on the death and the aftermath of Gaddafi click HERE!
Btw.. not forgetting to mention by saying what Hilary Clinton said, she kinda gave it away already.. and i quote "WE came, WE saw, he died" says it all for me;
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