Hij doelde op het lot van de Argentijnse president Cristina Kirchner. Bij haar is pas kanker geconstateerd. Chávez heeft naar eigen zeggen recent een ernstige vorm van kanker overwonnen, onder meer door behandeling in Cuba.
De Braziliaanse president Dilma Roussef is tegen kanker behandeld en haar Paraguaanse ambtgenoot Fernando Lugo lijdt ook aan een vorm van kanker.
Bron: Telegraaf.nl
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has wondered aloud Wednesday whether the United States infects Latin American leaders with cancer. "Would it be strange if they (the U.S.) have developed a technology for someone to get cancer? It's very strange what happened to some of us in Latin America it is very, very strange, "said Chavez who spoke at a ceremony of the armed forces.
He was referring to the fate of Argentine President Cristina Kirchner. Who was recently diagnosed with cancer. Chavez claims to have recently overcome severe cancer, including treatment in Cuba.
Brazilian President Dilma Roussef was treated for cancer and her Paraguayan counterpart Fernando Lugo also suffers a form of cancer.
Read the New Phoenix Program, which talks about stuff like this (infecting enemies of the USA with all kinds of diseases)
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Isn't Chavez and Kirchner Jesuits? Nevertheless all this is suspicious indeed. I have been in S. America few days ago - their skies being painted with chemtrails like in Europe and US heavier and heavier.
@E believe it or not, most communist leaders are closer to the truth than the western media is.. a whole lot of leaders are jesuits, a CULT formed by the pope back in the 1530's..
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