Nicki Minaj at the 2012 Grammy's, together with a pope figure, in a weird red gown, perhaps the harlot from Revelation? Is this a hint of her status in the Illuminati?
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Monday, February 13, 2012
Weird hint from Nicki Minaj at 2012 Grammy's?
Friday, February 10, 2012
Breaking Bad All Seeing Eye Subliminal
Monday, February 6, 2012
Help stop former Monsanto VP from attaining top position at the FDA
(NaturalNews) The one man who may be responsible for more food related illnesses and deaths than anyone in history, Michael R. Taylor, has just been promoted from US Food Safety Czar to Senior Advisor to the Commissioner of the FDA, a position which would enable the giant biotech company Monsanto to silently and legally feed cancer causing vegetables to every living person who is not 100% strictly organic.
President Obama has appointed the former Monsanto Vice President and lobbyist Michael R. Taylor to the throne. This is the same man who was Food Safety Czar for the FDA when Genetically Modified Organisms were allowed into the US food supply without undergoing a single test to determine their safety or risks. This is like putting a terrorist in charge of the world's food supply. What will the cancer numbers look like in 2016?
The GMO nightmare all started with the Dan Quayle led FDA/GMO marriage. Under George Bush Senior's Administration from 1989 to 1993, Dan Quayle single-handedly catapulted GMO's into existence through FDA's anti-consumer right-to-know policy, which stated that GMO foods did not have to be labeled or safety tested. Yes, you read that correctly: There is no safety testing required whatsoever to take some Agent Orange pesticide and genetically mutate the seeds of vegetables in a chemical laboratory so that nothing on planet earth will eat the plant that grows from the ground except for all the humans who have no idea what happened.
Michael Taylor is part of a revolving door at the FDA, where Monsanto Execs just come and go as they please. First, Michael R. Taylor was an assistant to the FDA commissioner. Then he left to work for a law firm in the 1980's to help gain FDA approval of Monsanto's artificial growth hormone (rGBH), which is directly linked to cancer. Then he became deputy commissioner of the FDA in 1991, and was later re-appointed to the FDA in 2009 by Obama. He is the food villain who tried his best to keep this "malignant milk of the turn of the century" from being labeled.
Michael Taylor is the epitome of everything Monsanto represents. Taylor is like a vehicle for Monsanto's patenting of seeds and global domination of farming. He implements the government's "favorable" agricultural biotech policies because it's much more of a financially sure shot to use RoundUp in food than to farm organically and ethically. If the investments aren't paying enough at the corporation, Execs just switch over to Federal Regulations and write some new Legislation based on "tainted research", which allows them to pile more toxins on the American public and bankroll off it when they flip back to the corporate side.
Read more and sign the petition!
Madonna at the Super Bowl 2012 as Anubis / Baphomet!
Lady GaGa has learned it from none other than the queen of Illuminati symbolism; Madonna! Here are some pics of her in an Anubis/Baphomet costume at the Super Bowl 2012. Oh and there is a Judas Kiss too!

As a reference, these are Baphomet and Anubis;


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As a reference, these are Baphomet and Anubis;


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Friday, February 3, 2012
Anonymous, A Statement on ACTA (A Declaration of War)
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
The Arrivals
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